Contains 14 booklets of Freemasonry. Titles include Yamasaka Lodge By-laws (Granby, Quebec, 1922); The Mystic Tie: a ceremony for use in Chapters of the Eastern Star by Addie C.S. Engle, 1899; Lecture—Knight Templar Consecration (compiled by Osborne Sheppard from Lectures on Templarism by Col. James Bury MacLeod Moore; Chapter of Rose Croix 15° to 18° ;The Lodge of Perfection 4° to 14°; Lectures on Symbolism (compiled by W. Bro. E.W. Jarvis of the Grand Lodge of N.B.); The Order of the Temple in Canada by Will H. Whyte and W.H.A. Eckhardt; Origin of Degrees (compiled by Osborne Sheppard, from Origin of the English Rite of Freemasonry by W.J. Hughan and History of Freemasonry by R.F. Gould); Capitular Degrees (compiled and published by Osborne Sheppard); Symbolism: Craft Degrees (compiled by Osborne Sheppard); Lectures on Symbolism by Albert Pike; Symbolism: Entered Apprentice (compiled by Osborne Sheppard from Lectures on Symbolism by J. Ross Robertson); When the Nobility and Aristocracy of French Canada Favored Free Masonry (1760-1825): a talk given before the Masonic Study Club of Westmount by C.E. Holmes; French Canadian Masons of Yesteryear: an address by Charles E. Holmes given on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of La Loge des Coeurs-Unis no. 45.Collections
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