Social Justice Research Institute
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The Social Justice Research Institute brings together researchers and students from a wide variety of disciplines to produce socially relevant and community-based scholarship on social justice issues and create connections with community organizations. Through the synergies created by community, activist, and scholarly collaborations, SJRI generates new and distinct, critical, complex, and useful knowledges that enrich the disciplines while also transcending them. Our approach to transdisciplinarity also means embracing the most innovative methodologies, epistemologies, and research practices.SJRI facilitates wide and resonant conversations, within universities and broader publics, about social justice problems and solutions through the production and dissemination of transdisciplinary knowledge in creative, visual, digital, and open-access ways. The social impacts of this initiative are clear and will be felt as academics, activists and social partners collaborate in addressing urgent social problems and open new pathways to social change in Niagara and beyond.
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Recent Submissions
Global Movement Assemblages Symposium - Mark Ayyash, Gul Caliskan and Oznur Karakas2018At the Global Movement Assemblages Symposium, Dr. Mark Ayyash, Gul Caliskan and Oznur Karakas discuss their papers with Elise Thorburn as a discussant. Mark Ayyash: "Resistance of Palestinian Fellahin, Past and Present, Global and Local'" 15:28 Gul Caliskan: "An assemblage of dissent: Symbols and humor at Gezi 2013" 20:45 44:36 52:02 Oznur Karakas: "Gezi movement: Embodied encounters in the making of an alternative space and the logic of assemblage" 28:24 56:23 The Global Movement Assemblages Symposium was held on October 13-15, 2016 by the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University.
Assemblages Symposium - Leanne Simpson, Rinaldo Walcott and Glen Coulthard2018Dr. Leanne Simpson and Dr. Rinaldo Walcott discuss Idle No More and Black Lives Matter at the Global Movement Assemblages Symposium with Glen Coulthard as a respondent. The Global Movement Assemblages Symposium was held on October 13-15, 2016 by the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University.
Global Movement Assemblages Symposium - Manisha Desai and Sonia Alvarez2018Dr. Manisha Desai discusses transnational feminisms at the Global Movement Assemblages Symposium, with respondent Dr. Sonia Alvarez The Global Movement Assemblages Symposium was held on October 13-15, 2016 by the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University.
Global Movement Assemblages Symposium - Jackie Smith, Alex Kashnabish and Janet Conway2018Dr. Jackie Smith and Dr. Alex Kashnabish discuss their papers "Global Assemblages, Movements for Global Justice, and the 'Right to the City'" and "Assemblage Thinking and the Measure of Our Effects" with Dr. Janet Conway as a discussant. Alex Khasnabish 14:58 Jackie Smith 27:20 The Global Movement Assemblages Symposium was held on October 13-15, 2016 by the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University.
Global Movement Assemblages Symposium - Mojtaba Mahdavi and Hamid Dabashi2018Dr. Mojtaba Mahdavi discusses the Arab Spring, with Dr. Hamid Dabashi as a respondent. Mahdavi critiques the new Orientalism in analyzing movements of Middle East North Africa (MENA) region. He situates Arab uprisings in relation to Islamism and post-Islamism in different contexts, compares them, and analyzes how counter-revolutionary forces have gained the upper hand. The Global Movement Assemblages Symposium was held on October 13-15, 2016 by the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University.
Global Movement Assemblages Symposium - Lee Maracle reading from "Talking to the Diaspora"2018Lee Maracle reads from "Talking to the Diaspora" at the Global Movement Assemblages Symposium The Global Movement Assemblages Symposium was held on October 13-15, 2016 by the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University.
Global Movement Assemblages Symposium - Glen Coulthard2018Dr. Glen Coulthard discusses transnational alliances for indigenous self-determination at the Global Movement Assemblages Symposium. He discusses anti-colonial alliances between the Dene and African independence movements. He introduces the concept of 'grounded normativity'. The Global Movement Assemblages Symposium was held on October 13-15, 2016 by the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University.
Global Movement Assemblages Symposium - Sonia Alvarez2018Dr. Sonia Alvarez discusses the utility of assemblage thinking for post-2010 social movements, especially transnational and translocal feminisms in Brazil, at the Global Movement Assemblages Symposium. The Global Movement Assemblages Symposium was held on October 13-15, 2016 by the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University.
Global Movement Assemblages Symposium - Hamid Dabashi2018Dr. Hamid Dabashi discusses the Arab Spring at the Global Movement Assemblages Symposium. He proposes that the Arab Spring signifies a re-territorialization in the region in which the dominant geography of post-colonial states is being challenged.This is suggestive for what is going on more globally in the post-2010 movements as they reconfigure revolution and experiment with dismantling the modern state. The Global Movement Assemblages Symposium was held on October 13-15, 2016 by the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University.
Global Movement Assemblages Symposium - Introduction by Janet Conway2018Dr. Janet Conway discusses the notion of assemblage as an alternative way of thinking about the global ensemble of social movements of the 2010s. She applies assemblage thinking to Occupy Wall Street with attention to how it intersects with Indigenous Peoples' presence and claims to land. The Global Movement Assemblages Symposium was held on October 13-15, 2016 by the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University.
Global Movement Assemblages Symposium - Welcome by Darren Thomas and Margot Francis208Dr. Margot Francis introduces the Global Movement Assemblages Symposium with reference to Dish With One Spoon covenant agreement. Darren Thomas from Six Nations of the Grand River opens with a welcome, protocol for visitors to Haudenosaunee territory, and land acknowledgement. The Global Movement Assemblages Symposium was held on October 13-15, 2016 by the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University.
Global Movement Assemblages - Compilation 3 - Long-term struggles vs. transitory occupations2018Dr. Mark Ayyash, Dr. Gul Caliskan and Oznur Karakas discuss their papers with Elise Thorburn as a discussant. Key issues are relationship between longterm land-based struggles and more ephemeral urban occupations of public space, critiques of nationalism, and significance of embodiment in social struggles. Mark Ayyash: "Resistance of Palestinian Fellahin, Past and Present, Global and Local'" 15:55 Gul Caliskan: "An assemblage of dissent: Symbols and humor at Gezi 2013" 20:26 Oznur Karakas: "Gezi movement: Embodied encounters in the making of an alternative space and the logic of assemblage" 27:19 The Global Movement Assemblages Symposium was held on October 13-15, 2016 by the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University.
Global Movement Assemblages - Compilation 2 - Situating Indigenous and Black Resistance2018Dr. Leanne Simpson, Dr. Rinaldo Walcott and Dr. Glen Coulthard situate Indigenous and Black resistance in the global movement assemblage. Coulthard discusses anti-colonial alliances between the Dene and African independence movements. Black Lives Matter and Idle No More are discussed.
Global Movement Assemblages - Compilation 1 - Transnational/translocal social movements of the 2010s2018Dr. Janet Conway and Dr. Sonia Alvarez discuss assemblage thinking and transnational/translocal social movements of the 2010s and symposium participants discuss the usefulness of assemblage thinking. The intersection of Occupy Wall Street with Indigenous claims is discussed. Black feminism and Slutwalk in Brazil are discussed. The Global Movement Assemblages Symposium was held on October 13-15, 2016 by the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University.
Global Assemblages - A Post 2011 Social Movements MontageMusic video of post-2010 movements from Tahrir Square in Cairo, to Black Lives Matter in North America, to Occupy Wall Street, the Gezi Park protests in Istanbul, to Plaza del Sol in Madrid, to the Umbrella movement in Hong Kong and framed by Indigenous resistance on Turtle Island.