Percy Carruthers Band fonds RG 562
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Percy Carruthers Band was born on 27 November 1892 in Toronto, Ontario to Charles Walter Band, a grain merchant and Jessie Camp Shaw Band. He graduated from Upper Canada College and became a broker. He worked at the Dominion Bank and then at Maple Leaf Milling Company. He was stationed at Port Colborne for a while. Before leaving for the front, he was with Bankers Bond Company of Toronto and is also listed as working with the firm of Bailey, Wood and Cross. Lieutenant Band received a Certificate of Military Qualifications on Dec. 24th, 1914. He received his Certificate of Military Instruction on Nov. 30, 1915. He received these certificates while with the 48th Regiment (Highlanders). He enlisted in 1914 and went overseas in August of 1915 as an officer in the 35th Battalion. By August 26, 1915, he is listed as being with the 23rd Reserve Battalion. A year later, in August of 1916 Lieutenant Band arrived in France and was posted to the 2nd Battalion – “The Second Iron”.
In 1916, Band was the victim of shell shock received during a charge. He was wounded in April 1917 at Vimy Ridge yet he remained on duty. At this time he received a gunshot wound to his right jaw. He earned a promotion to Captain 0n September 16th, 1917. He was wounded again in November 1917 at Passchendaele where he suffered a gunshot wound to the ear. For his courage and determination Percy Band received the Military Cross on February 18, 1918. He led his company under difficult circumstances even though he was wounded. He was awarded a bar to the Military Cross for gallantry during a successful attack on two villages on December 2nd, 1918. During this attack he led his company against enemy machine guns. It is said that he displayed exceptional leadership qualities and skill during this time. On August 30 in 1918, he made a daring reconnaissance to the front under heavy fire in an attack on Upton Wood. He was also commended on his gallantry during attacks on Cagnicourt and the Canal du Nord in September 1918. He was awarded the second bar to the Military Cross on February 1, 1919. The award of the Croix de Guerre was conferred on Captain Percy Carruthers Band by the President of the French Republic on December 15th, 1918 for distinguished service rendered during the course of the campaign. His general demobilization took place on April 25, 1919.
Percy Band married Margaret Julia Woodruff on November 25, 1919, and they had three children: Charles Woodruff Band (1921), Margaret Elizabeth Band (1924) and Robert DeVeaux Woodruff Band (1927). After the war, Mr. Band was a manager at Geo. Weston Bread and Cakes Limited, St. Catharines. Percy Band was also an avid collector. His collections included antique toys and art. He died suddenly on May 19, 1961. The Toronto Telegram published this about him: “Captain Percy Carruthers Band, M.C. with two Bars, Croix de Guerre with Palm – was an officer whose buoyant spirit and gallantry mirrored the vibrant soul of the Battalion. Blythe of heart, yet endowed with a fine sense of responsibility, he gave inspired leadership of No. 3 Company.”
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Recent Submissions
Presentation of Colours, St. Paul's Church1921A service was held at St. Paul’s Church in Bowmanville, Ontario for the Receiving and Depositing the Colours of the 2nd Canadian Battalion, East Ontario Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force. The colours were the gift of Mr. Charles Band. Included in this file are: the program for the event (2 copies), the speech that was given by Colonel L.T. McLaughlin, a brief history of the 2nd Canadian Infantry Battalion, a letter to Charles Band from Col. McLaughlin thanking him for presenting the colours to the battalion.
Margaret Woodruff Band’s Gold Wedding Ring and Locket1919-11-25Margaret Woodruff Band’s gold wedding ring engraved with M.J. W. P.C.B. Nov. 25/19. This is inside a sterling silver locket which is engraved with M.J.W. Inside the locket there is also a lock of hair, 1919.
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War Medalsca 1914A frame containing: The Military Cross and 2 bars (lower left hand side), the 1914-1915 star (2nd from left), British War Medal (3rd from left), Victory Medal (4th from left) and the French Croix de Guerre with Palm (right hand side). Smaller versions of these medals are below. There are 4 2nd Battalion East Ontario buttons of 2 varying sizes. The band at the top is made up of all the different ribbons from the awards sewn together. The 2 flowers at the end represent the 2 bars and the palm is the same as the Croix de Guerre Palm, n.d.
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14 K. Gold Cigarette Case1919-11-2514 K. gold cigarette case which was a gift to Percy from Margaret. It is engraved M.J.W. to P.C.B. Nov. 25 – 1919 on the inside and the initials P.C.B. are on the outside, [this is inside a suede pouch, 1919.
The Band Family TreeThe Band Family Tree prepared by J.T. Band and P. Fischer.
Certificate from Bellevue Hospital for W.K. Cleveland1862-03-03A certificate from Bellevue Hospital in New York City to "certify that W.K. Cleveland, M.D., has attended the practice of the medical and surgical ward of Bellevue Hospital for the term of two years."
College of Physicians and Surgeons Certificate - W.K. ClevelandCertificate from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario that William Knapp Cleveland "has complied with the requirements of the Ontario Medical Act" and is duly registered as a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, 23 August 1873.
Photograph - Margaret Elizabeth Band TaylorBridal photo of Margaret Elizabeth Band Taylor taken by Ballard of Eatons, 1 b&w photo, 1948.
Photograph - Jesse Shaw Bandn.d.A black and white photograph of Jesse Shaw Band.
Letter to Charles W. Band from the members of the Flour and Grain Section of the Board of Trade of the City of Toronto1914Letter to Charles W. Band from the members of the Flour and Grain Section of the Board of Trade of the City of Toronto regarding the closure of Messrs. James Carruthers and Company Ltd. office in Toronto necessitating Mr. Band’s move to New York. The letter is done in calligraphy and signed by numerous people including Mr. Hogg, Chairman and Mr. Tolchard, secretary, 1914.
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Appointment of Percy Carruthers Band to be an Officer in the Active Militia of the Dominion of Canada1914-12-24Appointment of Percy Carruthers Band to be an Officer in the Active Militia of the Dominion of Canada, signed by the Minister of Militia and Defense, Dec. 24, 1914.
Passport for John Band (a miller) of Thorold1865-02-28A passport page certifying that John Band (a miller) of Thorold is a British subject living in Canada. This page is for a journey to the United States. The page was signed by John Band; Charles Stanley Monck, 4th Viscount Monck; the Governor General and William M. McDougall, Secretary of the Province of Canada, Feb. 28, 1865 [This document was part of the Robert Band Collection and was purchased from Gordon Russell in February of 2016. John Band is the paternal grandfather of Percy Carruthers Band], 1865.
Photograph - Charles Walter BandA portrait photograph of Charles W. Band by the London Stereoscopic Company Photographers.
Coloured print of John Band1822A coloured print of John Band in Fifeshire, in 1822. This is supposedly a picture of him before being exiled to Canada for acquiring his forge by questionable means.