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  • Self-reported physical activity and sleep quality is associated with working memory function in middle-aged and older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Guardia, Tiago; Cote, Kimberly A.; Healy, M. Karl; Gammage, Kimberley Lyn; Campbell, Karen Lucia (Taylor & Francis, 2024)
    While previous work has consistently shown a positive relationship between cognitive performance and various lifestyle factors (including sleep quality and physical activity) in younger adults, evidence for this relationship among middle-aged and older adults has been mixed. The current study aimed to further test the relationship among self-reported measures of physical activity, sleep quality, and memory performance in middle-aged and older adults (n = 302; age range = 45 - 75 years old), and to test whether this relationship holds up during a period of unprecedented stress and reduced physical activity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results showed that self-reported physical activity was associated with better subjective sleep quality and better working memory performance, and better subjective sleep quality was associated with better working memory and self-perceptions of everyday memory abilities. Additionally, we found that the effects of physical activity on working memory were partially mediated by sleep quality, suggesting that physical activity may contribute to improved cognitive performance via improved sleep. Participants reported that the pandemic was affecting their sleep quality and mental health, and pandemic-related stress and sleep disturbances were negatively associated with physical activity, memory, and mental health. While these effects were small and only correlational in nature, they lend further support to the notion that sleep quality and physical activity are beneficial to memory later in life, even (or maybe especially) during a global pandemic that negatively affected people’s ability to sleep and exercise
  • Sleep physiology predicts memory retention after reactivation

    Macdonald, Kevin J.; Cote, Kimberly A. (Wiley, 2016)
    Both sleep and future relevance influence memory consolidation; however, limited research has investigated their role in memory reconsolidation. We manipulated the future relevance of both stable and labile memories in need of reconsolidation. Two groups learned two blocks of syllable pairs on one evening and were told they would be tested on one of the blocks later. On the second evening, one group (Labile) received reminders designed to return their memories of syllable pairs to a labile state, while a second group (Stable) received reminders designed to leave these memories in a stable state. No significant differences in memory retention were found between blocks or groups the following morning. Frontal delta (0.5–4 Hz) electroencephalographic power during Stage 2 sleep correlated positively with retention of future-relevant material exclusively in the Labile group. Central theta (4–8 Hz) electroencephalographic power during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep correlated positively with the extent to which the Labile group selectively retained future-relevant material. These relationships suggest that sleep-dependent processes are involved in an economical reprocessing of memories beyond the initial stages of consolidation.
  • Event-Related Neural Response to Emotional Picture Stimuli Following Sleep Deprivation

    Cote, Kimberly; Jancsar, Cara; Hunt, Bryce (American Psychological Association, 2015)
    The impact of sleep deprivation on various stages of information processing was investigated during a valance categorization picture task using temporally sensitive event-related potentials (ERPs). Young, healthy, good sleepers were randomly assigned to a total sleep deprivation (n = 22) or sleep control group (n = 23). Picture stimuli were presented at random for 1000 ms and rated as very-positive, slightly positive, slightly negative, or very-negative. ERP measures included a parietal-occipital positive peak (P1) reflecting early sensory processing and “reactivity,” and a central-parietal Late Positive Potential (LPP) peak indexing sustained attention toward stimuli. There was a significant Group-by-Valance interaction for LPP amplitude; sleep-deprived participants had a larger LPP than controls to positive and negative, but not neutral pictures. Both groups had larger LPPs to positive and negative pictures relative to neutral pictures, but only the sleep-deprived group had a larger LPP to negative compared with positive stimuli. Sleep-deprived individuals with a lower reappraisal strategy in emotion regulation style produced a relatively larger LPP response to negative pictures. In conclusion, sleep deprivation did not influence early sensory processing or attention capture but led to greater sustained allocation of attention toward emotional pictures, particularly negative stimuli. Enhanced attention toward emotional stimuli may result in failure to attend to other relevant information and poor decision making, and may be especially problematic for individuals with lower emotion reappraisal strategies.
  • Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia During Sleep and Waking

    Stoakley, Elizabeth M.; Mathewson, Karen J.; Schmidt, Louis A.; Cote, Kimberly A. (Hogrefe Publishing Group, 2019-01-01)
    Resting respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) is related to individual differences in waking affective style and self-regulation. However, little is known about the stability of RSA between sleep/wake stages or the relations between RSA during sleep and waking affective style. We examined resting RSA in 25 healthy undergraduates during the waking state and one night of sleep. Stability of cardiac variables across sleep/wake states was highly reliable within participants. As predicted, greater approach behavior and lower impulsivity were associated with higher RSA; these relations were evident in early night Non-REM (NREM) sleep, particularly in slow wave sleep (SWS). The current research extends previous findings by establishing stability of RSA within individuals between wake and sleep states, and by identifying SWS as an optimal period of measurement for relations between waking affective style and RSA.
  • Sleep restriction alters reactive aggressive behavior and its relationship with sex hormones

    MacDonald, Kevin J.; Lustig, Kari A.; Geniole, Shawn N.; McCormick, Cheryl M.; Cote, Kimberly A. (Wiley, 2018-12-30)
    Few studies have experimentally manipulated sleep to study its effect on aggressive behavior. The current study examined how reactive aggression was affected by having sleep restricted to 4-hours on a single night, a level of disruption commonly experienced. Both rested and sleep-restricted participants completed the Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm (PSAP), a laboratory task in which participants seek to earn points, are provoked by a fictitious opponent stealing their points, and may choose to steal points in response. Logistic mixed-effect models were used to investigate the effect of sleep restriction and the role of sex hormones on the odds of choosing to steal. For men, and women in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, sleep restriction did not result in significant changes reactive aggression, although the patterns of aggressive behavior appeared less reactive and retaliatory in nature. For women in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, sleep restriction was associated with higher levels of reactive aggression. For both men and women in the luteal phase, sleep restriction disrupted an association between hormone change over the task (testosterone and estradiol, respectively) and reactive aggression that was observed in their control participants. In addition, higher testosterone before the PSAP in men was associated with maintaining a high level of stealing over the task. These results indicate a complex dynamic in which sex hormones and sleep interact to predict aggressive behavior in response to provocation.
  • Dynamic changes in perfectionism dimensions and psychological distress among adolescents assessed before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Molnar, Danielle S.; Thai, Sabrina; Blackburn, Melissa; Zinga, Dawn; Flett, Gordon L.; Hewitt, Paul L. (Wiley, 2022)
    This prospective longitudinal study evaluated changes in psychological distress among adolescents, pre-pandemic to intra-pandemic, the extent to which within-person and between person differences in trait multidimensional perfectionism were associated with such changes, and the role of stress in explaining associations between perfectionism and psychological distress. Adolescents (N = 187; 80% female; 78% White, 7% Asian Canadian, 2% Indigenous Peoples in Canada, 2% Black or African Canadian, 2% Latin Canadian, or 9% Other; Mage = 17.96 years) completed online surveys assessing perfectionism (i.e., self-oriented [SOP] and socially prescribed perfectionism [SPP]), depression, anxiety, and stress pre-pandemic (i.e., March 12th, 2020 or earlier) and during Ontario, Canada’s first (i.e., March 13th, 2020 to July 24th, 2020) and second (December 26th, 2020 to February 7th, 2021) government-mandated lockdowns. Between-person differences and within-person changes in multidimensional trait perfectionism were associated with increases in psychological distress and perceived stress. Perceived stress served as an intermediary pathway linking multidimensional trait perfectionism to psychological distress during the pandemic.
  • Did the UK COVID-19 Lockdown Modify the Influence of Neighbourhood Disorder on Psychological Distress? Evidence From a Prospective Cohort Study

    Teo, Celine; Kim, Chungah; Nielsen, Andrew; Young, Thomas; O'Campo, Patricia; Chum, Antony (Frontiers Media, 2021)
    National lockdown in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic severely restricted the mobility of residents and increased time spent in their residential neighbourhoods. This is a unique opportunity to understand how an exogenous factor that reduces mobility may influence the association between neighbourhood social environment and mental health. This study investigates whether the COVID-19 lockdown may modify the effect of neighbourhood disorder on psychological distress. Methods: We tracked changes in psychological distress, using the UK household longitudinal survey across the pre-COVID and lockdown periods in 16,535 adults. Neighbourhood disorder was measured along two subscales: social stressors and property crime. Fixed-effects regression was used to evaluate whether the widespread reduction in mobility modifies the association between the subscales of neighbourhood disorder and psychological distress. Results: The effect of neighbourhood social stressors on psychological distress was stronger in the lockdown period compared to the pre-COVID period. Compared to the pre-COVID period, the effect of being in neighbourhoods with the highest social stressors (compared to the lowest) on psychological distress increased by 20% during the lockdown. Meanwhile, the effect of neighbourhood property crime on mental health did not change during the lockdown. Conclusion: The sudden loss of mobility as a result of COVID-19 lockdown is a unique opportunity to address the endogeneity problem as it relates to mobility and locational preferences in the study of neighbourhood effects on health. Vulnerable groups who have limited mobility are likely more sensitive to neighbourhood social stressors compared to the general population.
  • Transitions in Executive Function: Insights From Developmental Parallels Between Prospective Memory and Cognitive Flexibility

    Mahy, Caitlin; Munakata, Yoko (Wiley, 2015)
    As children develop, they need to remember to carry out their intentions and overcome habits to switch flexibly to new ways of behaving. Developments in these domains—prospective memory and cognitive flexibility—are essential for children to function and predict important outcomes. Prospective memory and cognitive flexibility are similar in the psychological processes proposed to support them (particularly executive functions), in how they are measured, and in the behavioral transitions observed (e.g., dissociations between actions and intentions, and nonlinear developmental trajectories). In this article, we highlight how such parallels can inform debates about the specific executive functions and types of developments that support prospective memory, cognitive flexibility, and related future‐oriented abilities, and can deepen understanding of executive function development more generally.
  • That's my teacher! Children's ability to recognize personally familiar and unfamiliar faces improves with age

    Laurence, Sarah; Mondloch, Catherine J. (Elsevier Ltd, 2016-03)
    Highlights •Tested children’s ability to recognize faces across natural variation in appearance.•4- to 12-year-olds were asked to find all the images of an identity.•Performance was (nearly) perfect by 6years for familiar identities.•Performance improved across the entire age range for unfamiliar identities.•Findings have implications for models of the development of face perception.
  • Judging Normality and Attractiveness in Faces: Direct Evidence of a More Refined Representation for Own-Race, Young Adult Faces

    Zhou, Xiaomei; Short, Lindsey A.; Chan, Harmonie S. J.; Mondloch, Catherine J. (Sage Publications, 2016-09)
    Young and older adults are more sensitive to deviations from normality in young than older adult faces, suggesting that the dimensions of face space are optimized for young adult faces. Here, we extend these findings to own-race faces and provide converging evidence using an attractiveness rating task. In Experiment 1, Caucasian and Chinese adults were shown own- and other-race face pairs; one member was undistorted and the other had compressed or expanded features. Participants indicated which member of each pair was more normal (a task that requires referencing a norm) and which was more expanded (a task that simply requires discrimination). Participants showed an own-race advantage in the normality task but not the discrimination task. In Experiment 2, participants rated the facial attractiveness of own- and other-race faces (Experiment 2a) or young and older adult faces (Experiment 2b). Between-rater variability in ratings of individual faces was higher for other-race and older adult faces; reduced consensus in attractiveness judgments reflects a less refined face space. Collectively, these results provide direct evidence that the dimensions of face space are optimized for own-race and young adult faces, which may underlie face race- and age-based deficits in recognition. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
  • Attractiveness Judgments and Discrimination of Mommies and Grandmas: Perceptual Tuning for Young Adult Faces

    Short, Lindsey A.; Mondloch, Catherine J.; Hackland, Anne T. (Elsevier Ltd, 2015-01)
    Highlights •3- and 7-year-olds judged young and older face pairs: one normal and one distorted.•Attractiveness judgments (referencing a norm) were more accurate for young faces.•Performance on a match-to-sample task was also more accurate for young faces.•Our results have implications for how face space becomes optimized for young faces.•We discuss implications for domain-general vs. domain-specific development.
  • Representing young and older adult faces: Shared or age-specific prototypes?

    Short, Lindsey A.; Proletti, Valentina; Mondloch, Catherine J. (Taylor & Francis, 2015-09)
    Young adults recognize young adult faces more accurately than older adult faces and are more sensitive to how individual young faces deviate from a norm/prototype. Here we used an adaptation paradigm to examine whether young and older adult faces are represented by separable norms and the extent to which the coding dimensions for these two categories overlap. In Experiment 1, following adaptation to oppositely distorted young and older faces (e.g., expanded young and compressed older faces), adults’ normality judgments simultaneously shifted in opposite directions for the two face categories, providing evidence for separable norms. In Experiment 2, participants were adapted to distorted faces from a single age category (e.g., compressed young); aftereffects transferred across face age but were larger for the face age that matched adaptation. Collectively, these results provide evidence that young and older faces are processed with regard to separable norms that share some underlying coding dimensions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
  • Differential attentional allocation and subsequent recognition for young and older adult faces

    Short, Lindsey A.; Semplonius, Thalia; Proletti, Valentina; Mondloch, Catherine J. (Taylor & Francis, 2014-10)
    Studies examining own-age recognition biases report inconsistent results and often utilize paradigms that present faces individually and in isolation. We investigated young and older adults' attention towards young and older faces during learning and whether differential attention influences recognition. Participants viewed complex scenes while their eye movements were recorded; each scene contained two young and two older faces. Half of the participants formed scene impressions and half prepared for a memory test. Participants then completed an old/new face recognition task. Both age groups looked longer at young than older faces; however, only young adults showed an own-age recognition advantage. Participants in the memory condition looked longer at faces but did not show enhanced recognition relative to the impressions condition. Overall, attention during learning did not influence recognition. Our results provide evidence for a young adult face bias in attentional allocation but suggest that longer looking does not necessarily indicate deeper encoding.
  • Category-specific face prototypes are emerging, but not yet mature, in 5-year-old children

    Short, Lindsey A.; Lee, Kang; Genyue, Fu; Mondloch, Catherine J. (Elsevier Ltd, 2014-10)
    Adults’ expertise in face recognition has been attributed to norm-based coding. Moreover, adults possess separable norms for a vari-ety of face categories (e.g., race, sex, age) that appear to enhancerecognition by reducing redundancy in the information shared byfaces and ensuring that only relevant dimensions are used toencode faces from a given category. Although 5-year-old childrenprocess own-race faces using norm-based coding, little is knownabout the organization and refinement of their face space. The cur-rent study investigated whether 5-year-olds rely on category-spe-cific norms and whether experience facilitates the development ofdissociable face prototypes. In Experiment 1, we examinedwhether Chinese 5-year-olds show race-contingent opposing after-effects and the extent to which aftereffects transfer across face raceamong Caucasian and Chinese 5-year-olds. Both participant racesshowed partial transfer of aftereffects across face race; however,there was no evidence for race-contingent opposing aftereffects.To examine whether experience facilitates the development of cat-egory-specific prototypes, we investigated whether race-contin-gent aftereffects are present among Caucasian 5-year-olds withabundant exposure to Chinese faces (Experiment 2) and thentested separate groups of 5-year-olds with two other categorieswith which they have considerable experience: sex (male/femalefaces) and age (adult/child faces) (Experiment 3). Across all threecategories, 5-year-olds showed no category-contingent opposingaftereffects. These results demonstrate that 5 years of age is a stagecharacterized by minimal separation in the norms and associated oding dimensions used for faces from different categories andsuggest that refinement of the mechanisms that underlie expertface processing occurs throughout childhood.
  • Wide eyes and drooping arms: Adult-like congruency effects emerge early in the development of sensitivity to emotional faces and body postures

    Mondloch, Catherine J.; Horner, Matthew; Mian, Jasmine (Elsevier Inc, 2013-02)
    Adults’ and 8-year-old children’s perception of emotional faces is disrupted when faces are presented in the context of incongruent body postures (e.g., when a sad face is displayed on a fearful body) if the two emotions are highly similar (e.g., sad/fear) but not if they are highly dissimilar (e.g., sad/happy). The current research investigated the emergence of this adult-like pattern. Using a sorting task, we identified the youngest age at which children could accurately sort isolated facial expressions and body postures and then measured whether their accuracy was impaired in the incongruent condition. Among the child participants, 6-year-olds showed congruency effects for sad/fear, but even 4-year-olds did not do so for sad/happy. Early emergence of this adult-like pattern is consistent with the dimensional and emotional seed models of emotion perception, although future research is needed to test the relative validity of these two models. Testing children with emotional faces presented in the context of body postures and background scenes is an important step toward understanding how they perceive emotions on a daily basis.
  • Aging Faces and Aging Perceivers: Young and Older Adults are Less Sensitive to Deviations from Normality in Older than in Young Adult Faces

    Short, Lindsey A.; Mondloch, Catherine J. (Sage, 2013)
    Past studies examining the other-age effect, the phenomenon in which own-age faces are recognized more accurately than other-age faces, are limited in number and report inconsistent results. Here we examine whether the perceptual system is preferentially tuned to differences among young adult faces. In experiment 1 young (18-25 years) and older adult (63-87 years) participants were shown young and older face pairs in which one member of each pair was undistorted and the other had compressed or expanded features. Participants indicated which member of each pair was more normal and which was more expanded. Both age groups were more accurate when tested with young compared with older faces -- but only when judging normality. In experiment 2 we tested a separate group of young adults on the same two tasks but with upright and inverted face pairs to examine the differential pattern of results between the normality and discrimination tasks. Inversion impaired performance on the normality task but not the discrimination task and eliminated the young adult advantage in the normality task. Collectively, these results suggest that the face processing system is optimized for young adult faces and that abundant experience with older faces later in life does not reverse this perceptual tuning. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
  • Sex hormones play a role in vulnerability to sleep loss on emotion processing tasks

    Lustig, K. A.; Stoakley, E. M.; MacDonald, K. J.; Geniole, S. N.; McCormick, C. M.; Cote, K. A. (Elsevier, 2017-10-06)
    The central aim of this study was to investigate hormones as a predictor of individual vulnerability or resiliency on emotion processing tasks following one night of sleep restriction. The restriction group was instructed to sleep 3 a.m.–7 a.m. (13 men, 13 women in follicular phase, 10 women in luteal phase of menstrual cycle), and a control group slept 11 p.m.–7 a.m. (12 men, 12 follicular women, 12 luteal women). Sleep from home was verified with actigraphy. Saliva samples were collected on the evening prior to restriction, and in the morning and afternoon following restriction, to measure testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone. In the laboratory, event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during presentation of images and faces to index neural processing of emotional stimuli. Compared to controls, sleep-restricted participants had a larger amplitude Late Positive Potential (LPP) ERP to positive vs neutral images, reflecting greater motivated attention towards positive stimuli. Sleep-restricted participants were also less accurate categorizing sad faces and exhibited a larger N170 to sad faces, reflecting greater neural reactivity. Sleep-restricted luteal women were less accurate categorizing all images compared to control luteal women, and progesterone was related to several outcomes. Morning testos- terone in men was lower in the sleep-restricted group compared to controls; lower testosterone was associated with lower accuracy to positive images, a greater difference between positive vs neutral LPP amplitude, and lower accuracy to sad and fearful faces. In summary, women higher in progesterone and men lower in testos- terone were more vulnerable to the effects of sleep restriction on emotion processing tasks. This study highlights a role for sex and sex hormones in understanding individual differences in vulnerability to sleep loss.
  • A Count of Coping Strategies

    Heffer, Taylor; Willoughby, Teena (2017)
    The present study examined the association between coping and adjustment among university students. While most research on coping focuses on identifying optimal coping strategies, the Transactional Theory of Coping highlights that adaptive coping involves an ability to adapt and change coping strategies in a way that facilitates positive adjustment (e.g., Coping Flexibility). In order to demonstrate flexibility among a variety of coping strategies, however, one must first possess a diverse range of coping strategies that they are able to use when stressed. Studies investigating the use of coping strategies typically compute means-based analyses whereby they not only investigate what strategies are used, but also how much (i.e., a little, a medium amount, a lot) each is used – a composite score then is computed based on the average frequency of use across all the strategies. As a result, this approach is unable to differentiate between individuals who use a lot of strategies infrequently and individuals who use only one or two strategies a lot. In other words, when using a means-based analysis, distinct coping patterns can present with identical means, limiting the conclusions that can be made regarding the relationship between the number of coping strategies used and adjustment. To address this limitation, the current study investigated the number of strategies that individuals use when stressed, rather than how frequently they use them (i.e., a count-based approach). A direct comparison is also made between the counts-based approach and the means-based approach in order to address whether or not counting how many strategies individuals engage in may provide different information than when taking a means-based approach. Using an autoregressive cross-lag path analysis, results revealed that when using a count-based approach, using many positive coping strategies, regardless of how often they were used, led to more positive adjustment and less negative adjustment than using a smaller number of positive coping strategies. Further, engagement in greater negative coping strategies predicted more depressive symptoms and poorer emotion regulation than engagement in fewer negative coping strategies. For the means based approach, the results for engagement in negative strategies remained consistent; however, engagement in positive coping strategies more frequently no longer predicted having better positive adjustment. This finding indicates that a count-based approach may offer a novel way to examine how the number of coping strategies individuals use can help promote positive adjustment among university students.