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BUSU Irresponsible and Bureaucratic: Resigning Executive Raps Brock Student Governmentcirca 1967The minister of publications, Frank Reynolds, goes on record about his opinion of the Brock University Student Union before resigning. He is quoted saying that BUSU, "is too caught up in itself to do anything relevant to the students".
Fourth Year Brock Student Elected to Head Assemblycirca 1969Fourth year part-time student Frank Reynolds is elected BUSU president.
Brock Students Elect New Presidentcirca 1965The results of the Student Assembly election: ? MacVinale, Vice-President; Ian Beddis, President; Thomas Goldspink, Minister of Finance; and Frank Reynolds, Minister of Publications.
Students Regain BUSA Governing Powers; Want University Meetings Open to Publiccirca 1966The Brock University Student Union approves the move "to place all governing powers into the hands of the student body." The group also calls to have the meetings of senate and board of governors opened to the public.
Rock at Brock Article1970-09-21Frank Reynolds was in charge of the Rock at Brock featuring the Guess Who and 7 other Canadian Bands, held on the back field at Brock. It was a geat affair, with 40,000 in attendance and few incidents. The student union rented every bus the City of St Catharines owned and took everyone home at 1 AM when the event ended.
1968 BUSA Council1968Pictured here from right to left and back to front are Geoff Eden, Bob Campbell, Pat Beard, Doug Chapman, Mike Wheeler, Peter Dixon, ?, John Auld, ?, Richard Harlow, Nigel Hussey, Ian Beddis, and Tom Goldspink.
Bachelor of Arts, Honours in String Pulling1970-05-26The certificate reads "We hereby certify that by resolution of the Senate the degree of Bachelor of Arts Honours String Pulling has been conferred on Francis H. Reynolds who has satisfied all the University's requirements and was duly admitted at St. Catharines, Ontario, on the twenty-sixth day of May, 1970. The certificate is in reference to the actions of the Board of Governors of the University. The certificate is signed by the Chancellor, President, Dean of Arts and Science, Registrar.
Press Pass1967The press pass for Frank Reynolds at the World Exhibition 1967. He was with the Brock University Student Newspaper, "The Badger".
John Marchesecirca 1970John Marchese was an arts student and was the first Manager of the Brock Student Pub operated out of Alphie's Trough which was our first student center paid for by the students and built in 1969. It had its grand opening in 1970.
Frosh Week '661966Pictured here are Ian Beddis, James Burrows, and Merve Spufford.
Frosh Week '661966A large group are standing near a willow tree during the 1966 Frosh Week events.
1967 BUSA Council1967Members of the council pictured here are Don Chapman, Richard Harlow, Peter Dixon, Michael Wheeler, Nigel Hussey, Ian Beddis, and Tom Goldspink.
One Lane Bridgen.d.An artistic photograph of a one lane bridge near Brock.
William Hogan at Deskn.d.Bill Hogan was a student at Brock for two years. Among other things he was editor in Chief of the Badger, now "The Press", and was involved in all things journalistic. His wife Pauline Hogan graduated from Brock in 1970 as well and both live and work in St Catharines. He is an antique dealer and she is a Theologian and has just earned her doctorate.
William Hogan Reading the Newspapern.d.Bill Hogan was a student at Brock for two years. Among other things, he was editor in Chief of the Badger, now called The Press, and was involved in all things journalistic. His wife Pauline Hogan graduated from Brock in 1970 as well and both live and work in St Catharines. He is an antique dealer and she is a Theologian and has just earned her doctorate.
Alumnus Card1970The Alumni Association card for Francis H. Reynolds. The back of the card is signed by the President of the Alumni Association, Ian Beddis.
Alumni Newsletter: Vol. 1 Issue 41968-11The "News Letter" published by the Brock University Alumni Association. This is volume 1, no. 4 and includes: Homecoming '68, Intervarsity Ball, Editorial, and Board of Directors.
Alumni Newsletter: Vol. 1 Issue 31968-09The "News Letter" published by the Brock University Alumni Association. This is volume 1, no. 3 and includes: Convocation, Sal Takes Post in Africa, Grade 12 Students Spend Summer at Brock, Homecoming '68, Dr. Gibson Goes Down Under, Appoint Provost at Brock, Student Residences 1968-69, Plans for 1969-70, New Appointments at Brock,
Alumni Newsletter: Vol. 1 Issue 21968-03The "News Letter" published by the Brock University Alumni Association. This is volume 1, no. 2 and includes: Graduation Festivities Laid On, Garden Party, Class Notes, News of People, New Student Assembly Elected, Letter from the Editor, English Puts in Drama Courses, Draft Constitution Okayed By Executive, Students on University Senate, Brock Announces New Teaching Department.
Alumni Newsletter: Vol. 1 Issue 11967-12The "News Letter" published by the Brock University Alumni Association. This is volume 1, no. 1 and includes: First Brock Homecoming Successful, Alumni Association Formed, Silver Badgers Give Gift to Gibsons, Proposed Silver Badger Gift to Brock, Christmas Ball Date Set, Brock Publication Needs Alumni Material, Who's Where?, The President's Corner.