Now showing items 21-40 of 75

    • Official Opening

      Pictured here at the Official Opening from left to right are: Mrs. J. A. Gibson; D. G. Willmot, Chairman Founders' Committee; His Excellency Governor General Vanier; Dr. J. A. Gibson; Madame Vanier; Honourable W. G. Davis, Minister of University Affairs; Mrs. Willmot.
    • General Vanier Chatting

      General Vanier takes a moment to talk with C. Bruce Hill, Chairman of Brock University Founding Fund, during the Official Opening on October 19, 1964. From left to right: C. Bruce Hill, and General Vanier.
    • Key Turning

      As part of the Official Opening of Brock University, General Vanier unlocked the main doors to the Glenridge Campus with a golden key. It is interesting to note that the Governor General did not proceed to push open the doors, citing "that [it] was not in the script". Instead Madame Vanier instictively pushed open the doors herself moments later. The man just visible in the right edge of the photo is E. R. Davey, chairman of the property and building committee of the Brock University Founders' Committee. The Governor General can be seen turning the key.
    • Governor General Departs

      The Governor General and his motorcade depart after the conclusion of the Official Opening of Brock University at the Glenridge Campus on October 19, 1964. Pictured here from left to right: F. G. Perry (with camera), African Students Foundation. Commander H. C. Tilbury (Hon, ADC). F/L Claude Filiatrault, (ADC-in-waiting). General Vanier. Madame Vanier. D. G. Wilmot. Dr. J. A. Gibson. Professor John Hart, University Marshal.
    • Governor General Vanier Shakes Hands with Dr. Gibson

      Dr. Gibson shaking hands with Governor General Vanier at the Official Opening of Brock University at the Glenridge Campus on October 19, 1964. General Vanier had been invited to formally open the university.
    • Official Opening Programme

      The programme for the official opening of Brock University held in 1964.
    • Granite Unveiling on the 200th Anniversary of the birth of Sir Isaac Brock

      As part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Sir Isaac Brock's birth on October 6, 1969, a piece of granite from Isaac Brock's childhood home in Guernsey was unveiled along with a plaque commemorating the ties between the General, the University, and Guernsey. The granite had been donated by Sir William Arnold, Bailiff of Guernsey, two years prior and had been in the possession of the university since that time before it was unveiled. The granite block was integrated into a wall in the Thistle Complex. It has since been relocated and is now part of a wall in the Walker Complex. Pictured here from left to right are: Sir William Arnold, Caroline Gibson, Dr. James A. Gibson and Governor General Michener.
    • Founding Plaque Unveiling

      Pictured here from left to right are: Dr. Gibson, President of Brock University; James N. Allen, Chairman of the Niagara Parks Commission; Mackenzie Chown, Mayor; and Prof J. M. S. Careless co-chairman of the provinces archaelogical and historic sites board and professor at U of T.
    • Founding Plaque Unveiling

      Dr. Gibson speaks during the unveiling of a historical plaque at Brock while standing in front of the Schmon Tower.
    • Founding Plaque Unveiling Ceremony

      The plaque commemorating the history of Brock is unveiled outside Thistle Complex. The photograph has been taken from a higher angle that shows those seated in the audience during the ceremony.
    • Founding Plaque Unveiling

      There are three men seated behind the podium and one speaking. The view shows a few of the front rows of audience.
    • Founding Plaque Programme

      A programme for the 1969 ceremony unveiling the Founding Plaque.
    • Commemorative Stamp Presentation

      Pictured here from left to right are James Hogan, Librarian, and President James Gibson with a set of stamps commerating Sir Isaac Brock that were issued from the Bailiwick of Guernsey in October of 1969.
    • UAW Presentation

      Pictured here from left to right are James Hogan, University Librarian, Dr. James Gibson, President, and William Marshal of the UAW.
    • 1970 Design Presentation

      Pictured here from left to right are Chairman of the Board, Whiting Lathrop, President James Gibson, and Architect Raymond Moriyama during the formal presentation of the $7.7 million Mackenzie Chown Complex project, which at the time was known as the Academic Staging Building or simply East Block.
    • Model Unveiling

      Dr. Gibson and others look at a model of the Brock Campus that includes the proposed Academic Staging Building (Mackenzie Chown Complex).
    • Science Complex Opening

      Rather then cutting a piece of red tape with scissors, the Science students at Brock prepared a laser devise to cut through a specially made piece of metallic ribbon for the opening ceremony of the Science Complex addition. Pictured here is Robert Welch with the laser device as he attempts to 'cut' the tape. Unfortunately the device failed and Dr. Earp resorted to cutting the tape with a Swiss Army knife he had on hand.
    • Robert S.K. Welch Celebrates Science Complex Opening

      Robert S. K. Welch celebrates the opening of the new Science Complex wing, an addition to the Mackenzie Chown Complex, as Dr. Alan Earp (pictured behind Welch) and others look on. The new name for the Academic Staging Building was also unveiled. It was renamed after former mayor Mackenzie Chown.
    • Doris Chown Speaks at Science Complex Opening

      Doris Chown speaking at the Science Complex Opening and the unveiling of a sign in conjunction with the renaming of the Academic Staging Building to the Mackenzie Chown Complex.
    • Dr. Alan Earp Speaks at Science Complex Opening

      Dr. Alan Earp speaks at the opening ceremony for the Science Complex addition in 1984.