Tremaine's 1862 - Vignettes: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 30
Residence of William W. Kitchen & Residence of Charles Kitchen - VignetteA vignette two homes in Grimsby. There are two homes in the image, one the residence of William W. Kitchen, the second the residence of Charles Kitchen.
Walker Hall - VignetteA vignette of Walker Hall, John S. Walker, Esq. Clinton Township.
Residence of W.F. Swayze - VignetteA vignette of the residence of W. F. Swayze, Esq., Lot 4 2nd Con. Pelham.
Taylor & Bates Brewery & Vinegar Manufactory - VignetteA vignette of Taylor and Bate's Brewery and Manufactory, St. Catharines.. "Manufacturers of Taylor's Celebrated Amber Ale, Porter, also, White Wine Vinegar, Dealers in Malt, Hops, Barley, &c. &c." The names listed are James Taylor and Thomas B. Bate.
St. John's Woolen Factory, Foundry - VignetteA vignette of St. John's Woollen Factory, Foundry, R. Collins & Sons Prop'rs.
Spring Mill Distillery & Brewery - VignetteA vignette of the Spring Mill Distillery and Brewery, Ravine, Stamford.
Residence and Grist Mill of Peter C. Servos, J.P. - VignetteA vignette of the residence and grist mill of Peter C. Servos, J.P., Township of Niagara.
Niagara Falls - VignetteA vignette of Niagara Falls.
Residence of N.T. Fitch, Esq. - VignetteA vignette of the residence of N.T. Fitch, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Crown, Welland.
J. McDonagh's Saw and Plaining Mills - VignetteA vignette of J. McDonagh's Saw and Plaining Mills, Welland Canal, Thorold.
Residence of John McDonagh, Esq. - VignetteA vignette of the residence of John McDonagh, Esq., Lumber Merchant, Thorold.
Mansion House, Grimsby - VignetteA vignette of the Mansion House in Grimsby, Andrew Randall, Proprietor.
Lincoln and Welland Canal Mills - VignetteA vignette of the Lincoln and Welland Canal Mills
Residence of Col John Schofield 3rd Bat, Welland Militia - VignetteA vignette of the residence of Col. John Schofield, 3rd Bat, Welland Militia. Centre, Vale, Farm, Lot 14, Pelham.
Residence of John B. Bowslaugh, Esq. - VignetteA vignette of the residence of John B. Bowslaugh, Esq., Grimsby.
Residence of James Scott, Esq. - VignetteA vignette of the residence of James Scott, Esq., Lot 18, Stamford.
Residence of James Russ Esq. - VignetteA vignette of the residence of James Russ Esq., Township of Grimsby.
Residence of James Oswald, J.P. - VignetteA vignette of the residence of James Oswald, J.P., Stamford Village.
Residence of James W. House, Esq. - VignetteA vignette of the residence of James W. House, Esq., Lot 123 Stamford.
J. Steele Residence and Store - VignetteA vignette of the J. Steele residence and store located in Ridgeville, Pelham.