George Field Fonds RG 21
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George Field, a United Empire Loyalist, settled in the Township of Niagara around 1785, with his wife Rebecca and three sons, Gilbert, Nathan and Daniel. The family built a house on their property, located near Queenston, Ont., which is still standing today. Near this residence is the Field/Brown/Vrooman graveyard, where some members of the Field family are buried.
Recent Submissions
Photograph - Unidentified Male in UniformA photograph of a male in uniform standing in front of a horse. In background are tents and trees. Rear of photo is stamped "From R. C. Matheson, Court Chambers, Toronto."
Unidentified Photograph - FemaleA photograph of an unidentified female wearing a hat and necklace The photograph is stamped J.A. Mann Photo Artist, London, Ontario.
Unidentified Photograph - Adult Male StandingA photograph of an unidentified male dated 1864. The rear of photograph reads "From Cray's Gallery, no. 11 East Bridge Street, Oswego, New York. A two cent stamp is also on rear of photograph.
Newspaper Clipping - Field homesteadA newspaper clipping describing a fire at the Field homestead near Queenston. The caption describes the house as where "Sir Isaac Brock slept the night before he was killed".
Property Tax Assessment - Niagara Township No. 179A tax assessment of property no. 179 for Mr. Theodore Field or Mr. George Field. The total reads 546 and is dated October 25, 1886. Handwritten is "paid" with signature of J.Y.E. Cairns (collector).
Postcard - Photograph postcard showing two young males and one female (all unidentified)A postcard with a photo image of two young males and a female (all unidentified).
Photograph - Mary E. FieldA photograph of Mary E. Field. The rear of the photo reads "Dear Cousin Ester, I send you this photo which is somewhat soiled but is the only one I have at present. Some other time I will send you a better. Yours with Love Mary E. Field".
Photograph - Mrs. Margaret BuckbeeA photograph of Mrs. Margaret Buckbee taken by G.F. Maitland Photographer, St. Catharines, Ontario.
Photograph - Miss Minnie GabellA photgraph of Miss Minnie Gabell taken by Scherer Photographer, 515 Main St., Buffalo, New York.
Photograph - Maggie BuckbeeA photograph of a baby girl, Maggie Buckbee, taken at E.Poole Photographer, St. Catharines. The rear of photo states "Ordinary Entrance on St. Paul Street, Elevator Entrance for Children: Invalids and Ladies on Ontario Street. Awarded "Honorable Mention" Paris Exposition, 1878."
Photograph - Mr. William FieldA photograph of Mr. William Field, photographed by A.L. Lehnkering, no. 158 East Main St., Rochester, New York. The photograph reads "conductor" on back.
Photograph - Miss Mabel FieldA photograph of Miss Mabel Field taken by A.L. Lehnkering, no. 158 East Main St., Rochester, New York.
Photograph - P.D. Graybil Age 13, August 1896A photograph of P.D. Graybil, age 13, August 1896.
Photograph - Male Portrait 1892A photograph of a male taken in October 1892 by Poole photography, St. Catharines.
Photograph - Mr. Robert PattersonA photograph of Mr. [Robert] Patterson of Port Dalhousie by photographer Smith of Bucksport, Maine. The photograph by Smith reads "Crayon and Ink Portraits furnished to order."
Photograph - Mrs. Mary DentonA photograph of Mrs. Mary Denton, wife of John Denton Sr. of Port Dalhousie taken by photographer G. F. Maitland of St. Catharines, Ontario.
Photograph - Mr. & Mrs. Michael Henry (nee Almedie Mann)A photograph of Mr. & Mrs. Michael Henry (nee. Almedie Mann) taken by G.F. Maitland, photographer, St. Paul Street, St. Catharines.
Photograph - Robert HoustonA photograph of Robert Houston of Port Dalhousie. He died 6 December 1889 at age 44 years and is buried in the Anglican Cemetery of Port Dalhousie. The photograph was taken at Thos. Charles, Photographer on Ontario Street in St. Catharines.