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dc.contributor.authorStewart, Virginia.en_US
dc.description.abstractIf quality of life is an important recreation outcome, then municipal parks and recreation management's efforts have to change because:· Over one-third of all the little kids in schools will be diabetic in their lifetime if the trends we are looking at continue. The average loss of life is about 15 years, and there is an average reduction in quality oflife by about 20 years (Jackson, 2007). This thesis is about municipal parks and recreation, an agency that controls and limits physical activity opportunity. It is also about active living; from an ecological perspective, a multi-disciplinary approach to incorporate physical activity into more 111 people's daily lives. In particular, this thesis examines one case --'. the Donutville Case - . with the intent of providing an explanation of how municipal parks and recreation can advance its management efforts to improve health outcomes of people suffering from daily physical activity deficits. More specifically, how can the tension between external and internal environments to municipal parks and recreation be better balanced to affect the change needed? Given that changing the current social reality is through making decisions, decision-making functions connected with systems theory helps identify how recreation authorities can more effectively influence environmental physical activity determinants. , Sallis et al.' (2006) ·social ecological model provides the a priori focus on active living decision-making. An integrated analogous emerging logic model is developed and presented as an efficacious strategy for how municipal parks and recreation decisionmakers can affect change. Keywords: physical activity, benefits outcomes, healthy livable community, quality of life, systems thinking, social ecological model, deci~ion-making, logic modeling, municipal parks and recreation, active living.en_US
dc.publisherBrock Universityen_US
dc.subjectOutdoor recreation--Canada--Administration|vCase studies.en_US
dc.subjectRecreation areas--Canada--Administration|vCase studies.en_US
dc.subjectParks--Canada--Administration|vCase studies.en_US
dc.titleActive living in municipal parks and recreation : a case studyen_US
dc.typeElectronic Thesis or Dissertationen Applied Health Scienceen_US
dc.contributor.departmentApplied Health Sciences Programen_US of Applied Health Sciencesen_US

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