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  • Preservice Teachers’ Perceived Preparedness to Integrate Technology Into Teaching of Mathematics: A Mixed Method Study

    Shahmohammadi, Soheila Belgheis; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    This study explored preservice teachers’ (PTs’) perceptions of their preparedness to effectively integrate technology into mathematics teaching and the pedagogical strategies that contributed to developing their competencies in this regard. Their perceived preparedness was examined in terms of their knowledge within the TPACK domains and self-efficacy beliefs. Using a concurrent mixed method design, data were collected from 59 PTs in their last semester of study at a Canadian university. Quantitative data were collected through an online survey via three widely used instruments, namely: the TPACK survey, the Computer Technology Integration Survey (CTIS), and the Synthesis of Qualitative Evidence (SQD) Scale. Qualitative data obtained from three open-ended survey questions and follow-up interviews with six participants provided broader insights about PTs’ experiences and activities regarding technology integration into mathematics teaching. The results of descriptive statistics and thematic analysis indicated that PTs perceived their knowledge and self-efficacy beliefs related to integrating technology into mathematics teaching at a moderate to a high level. Correlation analysis also indicated positive relationships between the seven subscales of the TPACK domains and the confidence scale. Participants shared that while their respective programs’ ICT for Teaching and Learning course played an important role in developing their knowledge in the TK and TPK domains, activities such as coding processes, math games, dynamic mathematics software, and graphic calculators were effective tools that encouraged them to use technology in their teaching of mathematics (TPCK). Experiential learning, including practicum experiences, role modeling strategy, and collaboration with peers were identified by participants as effective pedagogical strategies that developed their preparedness to integrate technology into their teaching of mathematics. Some recommendations of this study for teacher education programs include providing math-specific technology courses; incorporating appropriate instructional design that connects the content course to curriculum to promote PTs’ active engagement in meaningful technology-rich learning activities; and using all six pedagogical strategies presented in the SQD model to prepare future teachers to effectively use technology in mathematics teaching.
  • Tukisiven: Nunatsiavummiut Share Their Experience of Participating in a Nova Scotia Community College Child and Youth Care Diploma

    Shaw, Kelly; Department of Child and Youth Studies
    It is well documented that there are gaps in the research related to Inuit education and to Child and Youth Care (CYC) pre-service education. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to explore the experience of 4 Nunatsiavummiut who graduated from a Nova Scotia Community College with a diploma in CYC. Three superordinate themes and seven subordinate themes were interpreted with the Nunatsivummiut participating as co-inquirers. The first superordinate theme was powerful emotions; subordinate themes were identified as passion, doubt, and balance/unbalance. It was clear through the analysis of the interviews that the Nunatsiavummiut stayed engaged in a two-year college diploma because they were passionate about working with young people and they wanted to know more about how to do this better. They did find the programme overwhelming at times and doubted if they could stay and complete it. For a variety of reasons, throughout the diploma, the co-inquirers all experienced a sense of shifting between a need for balance and yet feeling unbalance. The second superordinate theme was Our Land, Our People. The subordinate themes were shared purpose, and what I knew, I knew. It was interpreted that their knowing of Nunatsiavut and Nunatsiavummiut was shared collectively and supported them to know what they knew. They experienced having a shared purpose through the course work and the goal to support Nunatsiavummiut children, youth, and families. They were inspired and motivated by each other and learned together towards a common goal. The third superordinate theme was empowered to advocate, I have voice. With subordinate themes identified as heard and supported, and transformed. They felt that they were heard and supported and experienced this as being empowered to have voice; they perceived that their responsibility with this voice was to advocate for themselves; their communities; children, youth, and families from Nunatsiavut; other Nunatsiavummiut; and for the profession of CYC. A deepened understanding of the experience of Nunatsiavummiut participating in CYC pre-service education in a post-secondary environment will enhance confidence for educators and policy makers that their decisions are supporting student engagement and success. This information may assist potential students in making increasingly informed decisions about post-secondary education programmes.
  • Exploring Teachers' Experiences of Teaching Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Multi-Phase Study

    Dolighan, Tim; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    This is a mixed methods multi-phase study that measured teachers’ sense of efficacy for teaching online at the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020. As the pandemic persisted into the 2020-21 school year, the study was expanded to include a second phase that sought to understand teacher efficacy and experience of teaching online one year into the transition to emergency remote online teaching during the pandemic. The aim of this research was to better understand how to best support teachers as they adapted to online teaching and to use the data to build ongoing and professional learning support for effective online teaching. The study examined the impact of prior experience teaching online, experience teaching online during the pandemic, and access to online training on teacher self-efficacy as teachers adapted to online learning in the context of the pandemic. What became clear was that teaching remotely online under emergency measures is different from normal online teaching. The results of the study in the initial phase found correlations between teachers’ sense of efficacy for teaching online with using a learning management system (LMS) before transitioning online. Having had online training and access to virtual tech support were also associated with a higher sense of efficacy. In the second phase, teachers’ collaboration with colleagues to solve issues and learn affected teacher efficacy. The study also found that access to technical and pedagogical support resources impacted teachers’ sense of efficacy and experience teaching online. One outcome of this study is support for the argument distinguishing between emergency remote teaching and learning and online teaching and learning. Further, the findings emerge from this study support recommendations for dedicated teacher professional development that addresses the challenges and opportunities of designing and implementing emergency remote teaching and learning environments.
  • Pre-Service Teachers using Social Media: Self-Concept in Online Spaces

    Downes, Taylor; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    With the expansion of personal interactions to online spaces, specifically through social media, individual identity and self-concept development can be subjected to a variety of interactions, experiences, and comparisons. For pre-service teachers (PTs), interactions through social media can be experienced through a personal and professional lens. This research aimed to understand better the relationship between PT self-concept and social media use. A survey design method with Likert scale instruments was used to determine potential correlations between PT self-concept clarity and self-presentation across personal and professional spheres online. Univariate correlational analyses were run between the four Likert scale tools, and results indicated a weak, positive relationship between self-concept clarity and self-presentation. Self-concept differentiation was addressed by analyzing the open-ended questions at the end of the survey, using a thematic qualitative approach. Results of the qualitative analysis suggested that PTs exhibited a high level of self-concept differentiation as they considered the content of what they posted and presented online for both personal and professional accounts, meaning they accurately utilized the desired self-concept traits for the differing environments. The findings showed that PTs’ self-presentation in online spaces often aligned with their understanding of who they are and who they want to be, and they consider a variety of scenarios when presenting themselves online, including future careers, self-image, and the professionalism of teaching. The findings also showed that PTs compare themselves to others within the program, often feeling a sensation of intimidation, competitiveness, and perfectionism. An implication for teacher education is for programs to provide additional support for PTs who struggle to navigate the competitiveness of a professional program, their own professional identity, and the concept of moral and ethical duties within their roles as PTs and future teachers.
  • Emotions, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Emotion Regulation for Academic Writing: A Collective Case Study with Doctoral Students

    Julien, Karen; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    Dealing with feedback, managing uncertainty regarding writing expectations, and juggling multiple demands are all part of making progress with academic writing. Emotion regulation can enable an academic writer to manage these emotion-related experiences and contribute to writing productivity. A writing group might be particularly beneficial to provide emotion regulation support from others through interpersonal emotion regulation. The purpose of this research was to understand the emotion experiences of doctoral student writers while engaged in academic writing in a social context, the ways in which graduate students experience emotions related to their academic writing, how interpersonal emotion regulation is enacted in social writing contexts, and which intrapersonal and interpersonal emotion regulation strategies support academic writing productivity. To investigate these experiences, in the current collective case study research, four doctoral student writers were led individually through meme elicitation during an initial interview to explore their previous emotion experiences in academic writing. Subsequent multi-participant writing group sessions were offered online and video recorded to document the ways in which the participants and the group facilitator (the researcher) provided interpersonal emotion regulation in that context. During and after each writing group session, participants were invited to complete a brief questionnaire about their emotions and their experiences in the group. Final individual interviews provided participants the opportunity to recount their emotion experiences while writing in the group context. Findings indicate that these doctoral student writers experienced a wide variety of emotions in relation to their academic writing. Participants reported a desire to feel positive, activating emotions while they were engaged in academic writing. These same emotions, including happiness, contentment, and engagement, for example, were reported when they were most satisfied with their writing progress after a writing group session. These doctoral student writers used a variety of interpersonal emotion regulation techniques to support each other, most frequently empathic concern and validation. Participants found emotions to be an important factor in writing motivation. They reported using strategies such as breaking the task into smaller pieces, working for shorter time periods, and compartmentalizing their tasks when they were feeling unmotivated to write.
  • Intercultural Competence Development: Exploring International Graduate Student Leaders' Journeys through Contemplation and Mindfulness-Based Inquiry

    Bùi, Trâm-Anh; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    Given the globalization of education, intercultural competence (IC) is a pivotal learning outcome in student mobility and internationalization. While scholars conceptualize IC as the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in cross-cultural contexts, few studies have explored international graduate student leaders’ IC development and how they perceive IC in their transitional journeys, and most research demonstrates IC development mainly through Western-centric frameworks. This study thus explored, through a non-dominant cultural lens, the IC development of international graduate student leaders to deepen the understanding of their lived experiences. Inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh’s philosophy of Engaged Buddhism, the study scaffolded an innovative contemplation and mindfulness-based inquiry and developed the Lotus theoretical framework combining Mezirow’s (1978) transformative learning theory and Drake’s (2010) story model to explore participants’ lived experiences. Eight international graduate student leaders from two Ontario institutions attended the semi-structured interview and two focus groups in the form of a Story Circle (Deardorff, 2020c). Findings depicted new narratives that challenged a deficit view about international students and revealed (a) participants’ perceptions about IC, (b) their journeys of perspective transformation, (c) their engagement in the meaning-making processes, and (d) the role of IC in leadership development. The study’s results offer insight into life in transition and how these students make meaning of their lives through leadership engagement and IC development. Such insights could raise awareness among different stakeholders about the meaning and importance of IC and may enable institutional leaders and practitioners to develop more effective programs and a more inclusive environment for all.
  • Evoking A Soundscape: Inquirying Into Musician-Music Teachers' Narratives

    McCabe, Anneke; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    I identify as a musician-music teacher, and my life experience of journeying to and through music provides a unique perspective, both in and out of the elementary music classroom. Growing up surrounded by music in my family has contributed to the way my story is grounded and how it has unfolded over time. In the classroom, I share my experiences with my students by retelling and reliving my story. Narrative inquiry supports sharing teacher perspectives, through a relational process. This research provides participants with an opportunity to share multiple perspectives on musician-music teacher narratives, offering a unique view into the stories of three elementary teachers (and myself as a co-participant) who work in the specialized field of music education. When musician-music teachers are provided the time to slow the day-to-day fast pace and reflect and express their story of journeying to and through music, what will we hear from their stories shared through a soundscape of experience? The synchronous nature of this collaborative research allows experience, analysis, and synthesis to become a place of understanding. Using the theoretical framework of the three-dimensional inquiry space of narrative inquiry supports an understanding of people, places, and events through temporality, sociality, and place (Connelly & Clandinin, 2006). Original to this research is the conceptual framework, evoking a soundscape, which invites musician-music teachers to weave original music with poetry and lyrics, as they retell and relive their story, drawing on the creative process as transaction (Rosenblatt, 1978). There is much to learn from listening to musician-music teachers as they share their journeys through music and the experiences that have influenced a deepened connection to their practice. Hearing musician-music teachers’ stories expressed through interviews and the music they created allows for what is resounding in their teaching craft to become apparent. Evoking a soundscape provides a new layer to the sensitive recounting and retelling of a narrative, igniting the possibility for other musician-music teachers to musically inquire into their lived experiences as a means of deepening professional practice. Keywords: Narrative inquiry, musician-music teachers, songwriting, transaction, professional learning
  • Growing up Gay in Vietnam: Seeing and Experiencing the World through Multimodal Visual Autoethnography

    LE, GIANG NGUYEN; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    In this multimodal visual autoethnography, I examine my experiences as a gay child and student, and later on as a scholar in Vietnam, a heteronormative society. Framed by visual identity constructs, I focus on landscapes of being, belonging, and becoming in my family life and at high school. Visual identity constructs refer to how I constructed and performed my non-conforming identity visually as a gay boy in Vietnam through a clothed and accessorized body. My dissertation work contributes to a growing body of scholarly literature on the experiences of Vietnamese gay people, including young men’s visual identities and gender performances in social, cultural, and educational contexts, such as schools and in the popular media. I draw on identity construction theory, gender hegemony theory, queer theory, and intersectionality to build the theoretical framework. Data was collected from my memories via multiple methods: art-journaling and writing-stories. I viewed writing as a method of inquiry and analysis together with thematic analysis to unpack my memory data. The findings are narrative worlding vignettes arranged into key themes, which indicate the framing and reforming of my visual identity constructs. The theme-based vignettes show the vulnerability and danger of contested conventions I encountered and the influence of social; familial; and cultural factors, including my parents, especially my father and grandfather, my gay friends, and Asian male pop stars on my performativity. My study serves as a call for young gay people to be represented in education settings, especially in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam. Schools should become more accepting and inclusive for this community.
  • Mobile Learning Activities for Students’ English Learning Engagement in China

    Huang, Min; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    Although mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) activities have the potential to foster student engagement, few studies have investigated the influence of such activities on undergraduate students’ engagement in College English learning in China, particularly in a newly developed, post-pandemic hybrid learning environment. This study adopted a mixed methods design to examine the influence of mobile learning on student engagement and explored students’ lived experiences of using MALL activities for English learning. For the study’s quantitative data collection, 206 students completed an online questionnaire that included questions regarding motivation and active learning strategies. Ten students participated in the photo-production visual method and semi-structured personal interviews. Findings show that MALL activities enabled a unique opportunity to enhance students’ active engagement and knowledge construction by multiple ways of information sharing and language practices. Easy access and effective ways of communicating on learning apps intrinsically motivated students to participate in language learning. Through mobile learning platforms, students were scaffolded by their instructor or more knowledgeable peers in a more instant, visual, specific, and affective manner. Collaboration among students was not exemplified among undergraduate learners and the challenge of self-regulation in using cellphones was uncovered. These findings are significant for educators and decision-makers to lessen the stereotype of cellphones for learning and recognize the benefits of making use of personal devices for catering to individual learners’ needs, fostering connections, elevating engagement, and increasing English skills. A new MALL model is put forward.
  • Diverse Belongings: An Improvisational Inquiry Into Newcomer Worlds, Worldings, and the Literacies of Belonging

    Burgess, Julianne; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    In an era of unprecedented global forced displacement, this artistic, multimodal dissertation explores experiences of belonging with a group of four adult newcomers to Canada. Using a post qualitative approach, the study couples the theoretical concepts of worlding and wonder with the work of Borderlands poets — non-western authors who write from the margins — to explore the creative texts created by the bi- and multilingual English learners from a decolonial stance. The study’s setting, during the Covid-19 pandemic, was an online translanguaging space, in which the participants’ linguistic, artistic, and multimodal repertoires were leveraged in meaning- making and artmaking, including drawings, paintings, digital photography, video and dual language poetry. Poetic transcripts were generated to re-present the participants’ resettlement stories. The findings reveal how affective and resonant worldings emerged through the serial immersion in experiences of belonging, not-belonging, and deeply felt liminal spaces between- belongings. Unworlding stories exposed disturbing examples of the participants’ loss of voice, of silencing in dominant English spaces, even among newcomers with English language proficiency. This inquiry seeks to contest dominant forms of academic knowledge and expand creative approaches within the post-qualitative paradigm to open new avenues for creative inquiry in language, literacy, and arts-based research.
  • Positive Experiences, Dreams, and Expectations of International Master’s Students at a Southern Ontario University: An Appreciative Inquiry

    Ankomah, William Sarfo; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    This study used appreciative inquiry (AI) as a methodological and theoretical framework and positive psychology theory to investigate international master’s students’ positive experiences, dreams, and expectations in their programs and institution to inform policies, programs, and practices. Although the literature describes international students’ mixed experiences in Canada, including developing critical thinking skills, making friends with other nationals, culture shock, and financial challenges, previous studies seldom focus on life-affirming conditions that enrich and improve such students’ schooling experiences. The first three stages of AI’s 4-D cycle—discovery, dream, and design—informed the study’s data collection methods (14 semi-structured individual interviews and three focus group discussions) to generate strength-based data for analysis, resulting in five key themes: (a) personal well-being and sense of belonging, (b) instructors’ pedagogical practices, (c) financial constraints and employment opportunities, (d) career development, and (e) policies. Based on its findings, the study makes six recommendations to inform international graduate student policy and practice: (a) allow international master’s students to study with their domestic counterparts, (b) increase international student diversity, (c) regularize socializing events for students and community members, (d) bridge the gap between theory and practice (hands-on experience), (e) work with all stakeholders to make international master’s students’ tuition fees more affordable, and (f) create on- and off-campus employment opportunities. Participants’ first-person accounts emphasize the need to include student voices in their own education and also shift the conversation from a deficit lens to a more positive discourse to balance the narratives around international students’ experiences.
  • Looking in the Mirror of Authenticity: A Self-Study of Teacher Education Practice

    Huizenga, Jack; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    This study explored the notion of authenticity within the context of teacher education. A qualitative research approach was chosen employing methods associated with self-study in order to explore the dissonance I experienced as a relatively new teacher educator. The purpose of the study was to explore the significance and potential of authenticity in teacher education. The study involved teacher candidates in an elementary science curriculum and instruction course that I was teaching. Teacher candidates reflected on their learning experiences in a course in which I intentionally applied the concept of authenticity. The study also involved experienced teacher educators whom I engaged in conversations as critical friends. Analysis of the teacher candidates’ reflections revealed that the notion of authentic learning resonated with these soon to be teachers. Analysis of the conversations with teacher educators revealed an important distinction between teaching the subject authentically and teaching the student authentically.
  • South Asian Immigrant Women Conceptualizing Gender Roles in the Context of Family and Society in Southwestern Ontario

    Ahmed, Ghazala; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    Perceptions of gender roles vary in different cultures, influenced by social location and time. Migration to countries that promote liberal values can impact how men and women perceive their gender roles, their interpersonal relationships with family members, and their day to day activities. Informed by a postcolonial-feminist theoretical perspective, this qualitative study aimed to understand South Asian immigrant women’s perceptions about gender roles in the context of family and society, prior to migration, and after immigration to Canada. A unique aspect of this study is that it explored how participants negotiated their gender roles and identity and exercised their agency prior to migration and post immigration. Four major themes emerged in response to the interview questions: 1) immigration and resettlement challenges; 2) gender roles and a patriarchal society in the native country; 3) perceptions of gender role/women’s role in the Canadian society; and 4) negotiating of gender roles, agency and empowerment. The results of the study indicate that immigration experiences were diverse and should be analyzed through many intersecting lenses including gender, class, social status, and education level to highlight unique challenges experienced by women as opposed to a monolithic representation of women from the East. The study contributes to the literature on South Asian immigrant women by using an interpretation that is based on the knowledge produced by the participants, and by acknowledging their voices as a central focus. Women in this study show that they are agents of change and are not weak and voiceless as depicted through Western discourses.
  • Trends Shaping Education and Innovative Learning Environments: A Discourse Analysis of OECD CERI Projects

    Rigas, Bob; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was created in 1960 to advance economic expansion and world trade. Although it lacks a specific mandate for education, it has shaped national educational policy through the dissemination of ideas and transnational research. The Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), a branch of the OECD, was created in 1968. Its potential influence on the educational policy of nation states suggests a need to investigate its vision for K-12 education. The purpose of this research was to critically analyse two major projects undertaken by CERI: Trends Shaping Education and Innovative Learning Environments, with respect to the nature of their embedded political discourse, as well as their constructions of K-12 schooling, teachers, and learners. Additionally, it critically explored how the discourse of innovation, accountability, and governance shapes education in particular ways. Drawing from Fairclough’s methods of critical discourse analysis (CDA), as adapted by Grewal, it examined the ideological and discursive nature of the CERI projects. Texts were interpreted through a liberal theoretical framework. Findings suggest the CERI Projects frame a neoliberal vision for K-12 education focussed primarily on economic ends. Although the social dimension of education is recognized with respect to its need to foster equity, equality and social cohesion, its discourse is best characterized as a form of flanking and roll-out neoliberalism. Both Projects embrace a human capital approach to education and advance a neoliberal subjectivity in which learners are defined by their economic utility and are framed as future workers who are flexible, adaptable, resilient, responsible, innovative, entrepreneurial, and good problem solvers. The ILE Project’s promotion of networks and partnerships with other sectors and business reflects a transition away from government to governance as promoted by New Public Governance, which also reflects a neoliberal orientation. In both Projects, innovation, accountability, and governance are nominalizations that reinforce a neoliberal policy perspective of education.  
  • Exploring the Factors That African Refugee-Background Students Identify as Being Helpful to Their Academic Success

    Laryea, Edwin W. D.; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    African refugee-background (ARB) students achieve high standards of success, yet their lived experiences are frequently absent from educational literature in Canada. Current and past research has focused on their academic deficits, their vulnerabilities, and their maladjusted behaviour, neglecting the positive attributes they bring to their host countries. Using specific data collected from semi-structured interviews with eight male and female ARB high school graduates between the ages of 18-25, this qualitative study employed a critical race paradigm to explore factors that ARB high school graduates identified as being helpful in their academic success. The study sought to challenge the deficit views on ARB students’ education by highlighting the perspectives of academically successful ARB students in a secondary school setting. The findings from the ARB students’ narratives highlighted three major themes: (a) success extends beyond the classroom and it cannot be normalized, (b) success is multifaceted and attainable by all, and (c) intrinsic motivation and resilience is a coping strategy for academic success. Additionally, the findings indicated that ARB students used a variety of coping strategies to overcome the negative and stressful environments in their high schools. Disseminating their narratives of success provides real-life examples for other refugee-background students to emulate, in pursuit of their own academic success, amidst the educational and societal barriers that they encounter. These findings add to the limited amount of research on ARB students’ academic success and may provide alternative strategies on refugee education for
  • A Mixed-Methods Efficacy Study of Teaching Adolescents to Think and Act Responsibly–The EQUIP Approach: A Narrative Filmmaking Pedagogy

    Garchinski, Christina; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    Ontario’s Ministry of Education requires Character Development to be integrated into regular subject curricula (OME, 2008), yet the initiative is devoid of clearly defined research-based strategies for implementation (Bajovic, Rizzo & Engemann, 2009). The purpose of this mixed-methods (QUAN + qual) study was to examine the effectiveness of an evidence-based multicomponent psycho-educational program: The EQUIP Approach: Teaching Adolescents to Think and Act Responsibly (DiBiase, Gibbs, Potter & Blount, 2012) as it was implemented through the pedagogical tool of Narrative filmmaking in a Technological Education course. A 2 x 2 Repeated Measures MANOVA was conducted in a sample of 102 students, aged 14-18 years (M = 16.12), to address the research questions: 1) Is there a relationship between the three dependent psychometric measures, the How I Think (HIT) questionnaire, the Social Skills Improvement System - Rating Scale (SSIS-RS), and the Socio-moral Reflection Measure–Short Form (SRM-SF); and 2) Do the groups (i.e., the group receiving The EQUIP Approach (DiBiase et al., 2012) through the narrative filmmaking pedagogy (referred to as the EQUIP-NF Group) versus the group receiving the regular method of Character Education (referred to as the Control Group) differ across the HIT, the SSIS, and the SRM-SF from pre to post-test? Qualitative interviews were analyzed to address the supporting qualitative research question: How do the thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and insights of both groups (the EQUIP-NF Group and the Control Group) explain and/or expand on the experimental results? It was found that when delivered through the narrative filmmaking pedagogy, The EQUIP Approach (DiBiase et al., 2012) was an effective psychoeducational intervention, impacting the multi-component constructs of EQUIP (i.e., reducing students’ anger inducing cognitive distortions, developing students’ moral reasoning skills, and improving social skills), while concurrently satisfying Ontario’s mandate to integrate Character Development into regular subject curriculum.
  • Perceptions of Change in Self-Efficacy to Pursue Postsecondary Education for Students with Exceptionalities Participating in a Postsecondary Transition Program

    Ismailos, Linda; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    This mixed-methods study explored a postsecondary transition program’s effect on the development of self-efficacy for post-secondary studies and the likelihood to apply to post-secondary studies among students with exceptionalities. The study also examined how their perceptions of change in self-efficacy compared to their non-exceptional peers in the program. Participants included Grade 11 and 12 students with and without exceptionalities who were at risk of non-completion of their secondary school diploma from 2 participating boards of education at a college in Ontario, Canada. Students participated in a series of pre- and post-program completion surveys and were further invited to participate in a personal follow-up interview to explore the impact of their experience in the program on their plans for postsecondary education. Secondary school teachers working in a supportive role with students in this program were also interviewed to explore their perceptions of change in the students over the duration of the program. Findings demonstrated that students both with and without exceptionalities benefitted from the program through a number of elements that resulted in increased self-efficacy to succeed in postsecondary education, and an increased likelihood to apply to a postsecondary program in the future. Findings, however, indicated that the two groups of students did not share the same perceptions of how the program might have contributed to their increased self-efficacy. Following program completion, students with exceptionalities were more likely to describe their personal mastery experiences in a postsecondary academic program and their process of metacognitive skill development, whereas their peers without exceptionalities were more likely to describe a positive experience on a college campus as the primary contributing factor for their increased academic self-efficacy. The study further discusses the elements that contributed to the change experienced by the students with exceptionalities and offers a visual framework for the elements involved in the development of academic self-efficacy for students with exceptionalities. Interpretations and suggestions as to how these insights could inform future policy and practice are discussed.
  • Self-Care as a Pedagogical Ontology in the Professional Care Practice of Others and with Others: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Self-Care in Nursing Education

    Docherty-Skippen, Susan Maureen; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    Healthcare practitioners work in reciprocally dynamic roles in which their health and well-being directly impact their professional competence. This interplay is often understated in ways that regulatory colleges influence training and education programs. In Ontario, for example, we see this in nursing. Although the College of Nurses of Ontario stipulates nursing professional competencies, it does not provide explicit performance expectations related to nursing self-care (i.e., the intentional way one takes care of one’s self). Accordingly, not all Ontario nursing education programs teach self-care. Different from research that deliberates nursing as a discipline or body of knowledge, this research examined how self-care is articulated, prioritized, taught, and assessed in nursing education. As such, the scholarly contribution it offers in the context of education is a pedagogy supporting self-care as a professional competency. Eight nursing faculty shared their lived experiences (through one-on-one interviews) surrounding the notion and phenomenon of self-care in nursing. Through a reiterative hermeneutic interchange that focused on whose voice is missing, an art-informed method that paralleled knowledge creation metaphorically according to the depth and breadth of “delving beneath the surface,” transformed participants spoken words into interpretive texts. Study conclusions suggest that self-care in nursing may be understood and taught through emotionally engaged self-reflection, not as a prescribed set of behaviours or individual task-based activities, but instead, as a pedagogical ontology in the professional care practice of others and with others. To foster successful self-care practice in nursing, educators should consider using arts-based methods to help learners enter and navigate spaces for emotionally engaged self-reflection. Given the urgent need for innovative and rigorous curriculum to support successful self-care practices as part of a healthcare practitioner’s professional role, this research is both timely and relevant.
  • Negotiating a Gendered Neo-Calvinist Pillar: Immigrant Loss, Transformation, and Lifelong Learning

    VanderVliet, Catharina F.; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    Employing a critical feminist perspective, I conducted a sociocultural analysis of the lifelong learning of Dutch neo-Calvinist women who immigrated to Canada shortly after World War II. The purpose of the research was a critique of the institutional ruling relations (schooling, religion, family, workplace) that shaped and influenced the trajectory of these women’s lifelong learning. More specifically, the inquiry included an interrogation of their Canadian schooling experience, in the context of an immigrant family life, their pillarized Dutch culture, and Calvinist religiosity. In choosing a life history methodology, the scope of the research broadened where one’s life story was juxtaposed to a theory of context. Applying this methodology, I critically analyzed structures, operations, and contestations of power in lifelong learning institutions through an exploration of the multiple contexts that shaped the lives of immigrant women. It is within that relationship that the critical feminist was possible. The life histories were not a description of the mainstream but rather were positioned to dialectically interrogate the meaning and significance of the past as it influenced the present and future. Applying a dialectic method to the participants’ life histories, 7 tensions were raised that made visible ruling relations relevant to the participants’ everyday experiences and brought awareness to the underlying contextual and ideological assumptions related to their trajectory of lifelong learning. Employing a critical feminist perspective, I examined how 3 neo-Calvinist immigrant women interpreted and negotiated the ambiguity created by cultural contradictions experienced in a Canadian context. As a researcher who herself has been shaped by this specific immigrant experience, a key attribute of life history methodology was its capacity for the researcher self to be visible in the research.
  • Utilizing ESL Learners’ Socio-Cognitive Resources to Enhance General Academic Vocabulary Acquisition

    Makulloluwa, Enoka; Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education
    This study examined the extent to which English as a Second Language Learner (ESL) graduate students’ socio-cognitive resources (the combination of culturally relevant imagery and first language (L1) facilitate their Second Language (L2) general academic vocabulary acquisition in a social learning setting. The study investigated whether the use of culturally relevant imagery and L1 translation equivalents facilitate retrieval of new general academic vocabulary. The study was informed by the following theories: Levels of Processing Theory (Craik & Lockhart, 1972), Vocabulary Learning Strategy Taxonomy (Gu & Johnson, 1996), Social Constructivist Theory (Vygotsky, 1978) and the Bilingual Dual Coding Theory (Paivio & Desrochers, 1980)—which assumes that bilinguals’ cognitive activity is mediated by their two verbal systems and the image system representing their knowledge of the world. Utilizing a sequential explanatory mixed method strategy, the study first explored the general vocabulary learning strategy (VLS) preferences of 41 ESL graduate students with a survey. Then with a sub-sample of nine ESL graduate students, in a collaborative setting. the study used a case study approach to determine the extent to which a VLS that utilizes the socio-cognitive resources of the bilingual might activate the connections in the verbal systems and image system that lead to deep processing and retrieval of new vocabulary. The findings of the study indicate that the ESL learners’ socio-cognitive resources have a positive impact on their general academic vocabulary acquisition. Outcomes of the study inform students and educators alike on how a VLS honouring ESL learners’ socio-cognitive resources can be utilized to enhance general academic vocabulary acquisition. It also contributes to a domain of teaching and learning where there is a dearth of literature

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