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dc.contributor.authorCameron, Chantal
dc.descriptionFort Drummond was built in the spring of 1814 near Brock’s Monument in Queenston Heights Park. It was built to help protect the portage route around Niagara Falls during the War of 1812. It consisted of a square redoubt, a blockhouse, and a U-shaped advanced battery, and was named Fort Drummond in honour of Sir Gordon Drummond. The post was abandoned after the war and fell into disrepair. In 1926 a children’s wading pool was built where the barracks once stood.en_US
dc.description.abstractTwo photocopies of muster rolls of Captain Grant’s Company, 2nd Regiment Lincoln Militia, employed in erecting works of defence on Queenston Heights. The first sheet is dated from April 27 to May 3 and includes names, ranks, period worked, total number of days, rate for each day and total amount. Names include John Morrison; Thomas Alexander; Richard Bond; Aaron Crane; William Eyckler; Robert Fralick; Jacob Gardner; Augustus House; Frederick House; Peter Hoover; Laurence Lemon; William McLellan; Frederick Near; Robert Pew; Lanty Shannon; Viart Vanwyck; Gilbert Vanwyck; Thomas Willson; Patrick Willson; Robert Willson; and William Weaver. The roll is signed by John Warren. There may be another surname after his name but it is not legible. The second sheet is dated from May 30 to June 2. Names include John Warren [?]; John Fralick; Jacob Killman; Richard Bond; Aaron Crane; William Eyckler; Jacob Gardner; D. Lemon; Frederick Near; Lanty Shannon; Viart Vanwyck; Thomas Willson; Robert Willson; John Upper [?]; Adam Spencer; Benjamin Corwin; William Gardner; Jacob Near; and Haggy Cook. The original documents are with Library and Archives Canada, War of 1812: Upper Canada Returns, Nominal Rolls and Paylists, RG 9 1B7.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries;RG 879
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal*
dc.subjectFort Drummonden_US
dc.titleMuster roll of a part of Captain Grant’s Company, 2nd Lincoln Militia employed in erecting works of defence on Queenston Heights, April-June [1814] [photocopies]en_US

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CC0 1.0 Universal
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