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dc.contributor.authorWilliams, Edie
dc.contributor.authorCarl, Sharon
dc.descriptionThe album is attributed to the Reid family of Port Colborne. The 1921 Census of Canada lists a Reid family in Port Colborne living on Charlotte Street. Some of the homes in the background of the photographs appear similar to homes on Charlotte Street in 2024. At this time, it is unknown who the members of the family are. The newspaper clippings are from the New York Times picture section, August-September 1918. The clippings show the Allied efforts in France, Italy and Palestine. Photographs include family and friends of the Reid family of Port Colborne and include an engineer on the new [fourth] Welland Canal. Other locations include Niagara Falls, Nickel Beach, Port Colborne High School and various points along the fourth Welland Canal. Photographs include early aviation and a train wreck in Port Colborne, automobiles, family pets, bicycles, schools, early telephone switchboard, swimming, children’s picnics, Maple Leaf Mills, Welland Canal construction, cottages and beach images.en_US
dc.description.abstractPhoto album and scrapbook containing many World War I era newspaper clippings and family photographs. The black and white photographs are of various subjects including the building of the Welland Canal, Niagara Falls, early aviation near Port Colborne, Nickel beach, homes in Port Colborne, and a photograph of an unknown engineer on the new Welland Canal. The photographs also include three individuals in black face. Please note: This collection contains imagery that reflects the time period when it was created and the view of its creator(s). This can include offensive and negative language, references, and stereotypes that are no longer used or appropriate today. The item(s) retain their original content to ensure that attitudes and viewpoints are not erased from the historical record. The Archives & Special Collections are actively working on including more respectful and representative language in our own descriptions now and into the futureen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries;RG 115
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal*
dc.subjectReid Familyen_US
dc.subjectPort Colborne, Ont. - Historyen_US
dc.titleSnap-shots, Port Colborneen_US

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Finding aid - Snap-shots, Port ...

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  • 1. Archival Finding Aids
    These finding aids are meant to help researchers find information in the fonds and collections available at the Brock University Archives & Special Collections

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CC0 1.0 Universal
Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as CC0 1.0 Universal