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dc.contributor.authorCameron, Chantal
dc.descriptionSherman Zavitz was originally from Welland but moved to Niagara Falls in 1960. He was a teacher for 35 years and taught at several elementary schools in the city during his career. After moving to Niagara Falls he became interested in the City’s history and learned about it by reading, talking to others, and exploring the city. In 1994 the Lundy’s Lane Historical Society nominated Zavitz for the position of Official Historian for the City of Niagara Falls, which was approved by city council. He remained in this role until he retired in 2019. He was also Official Historian of the Niagara Parks Commission. Zavitz wrote many columns for the Niagara Falls Review on the history of Niagara Falls, including two regular series, “A Niagara Note” and a photo feature known as “Niagara Then and Now”. In addition to these articles, Zavitz wrote several books on Niagara’s history including Niagara Falls: Historical Notes, Then and Now: Niagara Falls, Ontario, and It Happened at Niagara. Some of his other activities included hosting local walking tours, appearances on local TV and radio, past president of the Lundy’s Lane Historical Society, and serving on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Canal Society, the Friends of Fort George, and Niagara Falls Museums.en_US
dc.description.abstractFonds contains news clippings concerning Sherman Zavitz, official historian for Niagara Falls, Ontario, from 1994 to 2019. Most of the clippings are weekly columns written by Zavitz on Niagara’s history including “A Niagara Note” and a photo feature known as “Niagara Then and Now”. There are also some articles that feature Sherman Zavitz and a few on general Niagara history.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries;RG 860
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal*
dc.subjectSherman Zavitzen_US
dc.subjectNiagara Falls (Ont.)--Historyen_US
dc.titleSherman Zavitz fonds, 1991-2021, n.d.en_US

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CC0 1.0 Universal
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