Fire Insurance Plan of St. Catharines, 1916
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Hand coloured map sheets of the fire insurance plans for St. Catharines, Ontario. The sheets include: title sheet (includes index to streets, specials, blocks), sheet 1 (key plan, scale [1:6,000]), sheets 2-43. The original survey is dated July 1901, then revised to January 1913 and finally, a revision sticker of April 1916.
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St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan Index, 1916The index to the St. Catharines fire insurance plans with a stamp reading "revised to January 1913" and an additional note that reads "Surveyed - 1901 Revised to April 1916...". The index includes street names, specials (banks, churches, schools, etc.), and block numbers.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 43Sheet 43 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Thomas, Lowell, Merritt, Ontario, Vine, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 42Sheet 42 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Welland, Erie, Haynes, John, Seneca, Davidson, Vine, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 41Sheet 41 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Manning, Niagara, Page, East, Vine, Welland, Haynes, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 40Sheet 40 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Merritt, Lowell, Chaplin, Albert, York, Louisa, Vollette, Thomas, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 39Sheet 39 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the Steel and Radiation Plant, the Canadian Yale and Towne Lock Factory and the following streets: Erie, Vale, Berryman, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 38Sheet 38 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Berryman, Richmond, Queenston, Ida, Westchester, Buckland, Herrick, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 37Sheet 37 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Junkin, Russell, Gibson, Ottawa, Niagara, Fitzgerald, Dacotah, Page, Welland, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 36Sheet 36 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Junkin, Russell, Wiley, Ottawa, Geneva, Dacotah, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 35Sheet 35 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: McGhie, Marquis, Kernahan, Russell, Woodland, Wolsely, Geneva, Maple, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916- Sheet 34Sheet 34 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Rodman, Simcoe, Russell, Catharine, George, McGhie, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 33Sheet 33 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Russell, Pleasant, Henry, Dufferin, Beech, George, Lake, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 32Sheet 32 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Taylor, Dufferin, Merritt, Lowell, York, Hennegan, Albert, Lake, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 31Sheet 31 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Louisa, Thomas, Elizabeth, Welland, York, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 30Sheet 30 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Carleton, Ontario, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 29Sheet 29 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Maple, Welland, Niagara, Page, Dacotah, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 28Sheet 28 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the Old Welland Canal and the area of Welland Vale Manufacturing Company.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 27Sheet 27 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Vine, Prince, Queenston, Ida, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 26Sheet 26 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: Davidson, Cross, Haynes, John, Queenston, Thorold, Page, etc.
St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan, 1916 - Sheet 25Sheet 25 of the St. Catharines Fire Insurance Plan. Scale is listed as 50 feet= 1 inch. Includes the following streets: McDonald, Dexter, Hainer, St. Paul West, Pelham, Henrietta, Hainer, St. Paul West, Lisgar, etc.