An investigation into the utility of wearable sensor derived biofeedback on the motor control of the lumbar spine
Lower back pain (LBP) is a disability that affects a large proportion of the population and treatment for this has been shifting towards a more individualized, patient-centered approach. There has been a recent uptake in the utilization and implementation of wearable sensors that can administer biofeedback in various industrial, clinical, and performance-based settings. The overall aim of this Master’s thesis was to investigate how wearable sensors can be used in a sensorimotor (re)training approach, including how sensory biofeedback from wearable sensors can be used to improve measures of spinal motor control and proprioception. Two complementary research studies were completed to address this overall aim. As a systematic review, Study #1 focused on addressing the lack of consensus surrounding wearable sensor derived biofeedback and spine motor control. The results of this review suggest that haptic/vibrotactile feedback is the most common and that it is administered in an instantaneous real-time manner within most experimental paradigms. Further, study #1 identified clear gaps within the research literature. Specifically, future research would benefit from more clarity regarding study design, and movement instructions, and explicit definitions of biofeedback parameters to enhance reproducibility. The aim of Study #2 was to assess the acute effects of wearable sensor-derived auditory biofeedback on gross lumbar proprioception. To assess this, participants completed a target repositioning protocol, followed by a training period where they were provided with auditory feedback for two of four targets based on a percentage of their lumbar ROM. Results suggest that mid-range targets benefitted most from the acute auditory feedback training. Further, individuals with poorer repositioning abilities in the pre-training assessment showed the greatest improvements from the auditory feedback training. This suggests that auditory biofeedback training may be an effective tool to improve proprioception in those with proprioceptive deficits. Collectively these complimentary research studies will improve the understanding surrounding the ecological utility of wearable sensor derived biofeedback in industrial, clinical, and performance settings to enhance to sensorimotor control of the lumbar region.Collections
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