Recent Submissions

  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1833-08-15
    A note from the editor acknowledges a new newspaper running in the area, the British Colonial Argus by James H. Sears; a list of the toll rates on the Welland Canal; a short story “The Dream of Love”; housekeeping tips for a housewife;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1833-08-01
    A coroner’s inquest to be held regarding the death of David Antrum; an advertisement for J.R. & Wm. Howe & Co’s New York Menagerie of Living Animals, to be exhibited at the St. Catharines House August 27th, includes a description of the animals to be found at the show; a miscellaneous article “Johnathan in Search of a Wife” is nearly a page long’
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1833-07-11
    A catalogue of garden seeds available at the store of Wm. C. Chace in St. Catharines; in New Jersey Joel Clough is convicted for murdering Mrs. Hamilton; a remedy for “Asiatic Cholera”; an eyewitness account of a riot on the fourth of July that took place in St. Catharines; notes on the meeting of the St. Catharines Temperance Society;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1833-04-18
    First page is entirely made up of local ads, including a list of lands for sale in Upper Canada; an article on the State of Ireland, Earl Grey having introduced a bill into the House of Lords to limit disturbances in Ireland, article breaks down the proposed law; a list of the elected officers for the Pelham Temperance Society; a poem titled “The Last Word of the Dying”; a brief article noting the power of the press, and the increasing affordability of the printed word to the masses, comparing the price of a bible at the time to the price of a bible is 1272;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1833
    A note hand-written on the paper estimates that it is from June 12, 1833. A letter addressed to the Methodist Episcopal Church of Upper Canada; List of premiums awarded at the Niagara District Agricultural Fair May 22nd 1833; a column from the Temperance Department resists the anti-tobacco movement; short story “The Wandering Red Man of Miami”;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1832-05-31
    Pages torn in areas, pages stained. First page devoted entirely to advertisements; A short story “A Narrative of Truth”; hints for businesses men; a letter from the New York State Temperance Society;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1832-05-17
    Newspaper in poor condition, edges torn, creased and faded. Several prayers from the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Quebec included in this issue; an article on the changing customs of mourning apparel; an article on religion during the great Plague at London; an article describing the poison valley of Java; minutes from the Niagara District Agricultural Society including a list of the members;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1832-01-18
    First page quite faded, text difficult to read. An advertisement for an auction sale of crown lands; an advertisement for mail stages that note the mail carrier will pick up and drop off passengers within city limits while they deliver mail; an address to the Polish from the English and French, regarding the Russian annexation of Poland; an update from Upper Canada Parliament; proceedings of the London Temperance Society;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1831-11-16
    Some text faded and difficult to read. Notice that the Welland Canal will close for navigation for the remainder of the season; a public meeting was held in Hamilton to propose building a steam vessel to move between Burlington Bay, New York and Niagara; an extensive article on the coronation of King George IV; an update on the Fair and Cattle Show of the Niagara District Agricultural Society, including a list of the winners and their prizes; an article on intemperance;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1831-10-12
    A letter from the editor notes that this edition was delayed; Statement of Premiums offered at the Niagara District Agricultural Society’s Cattle Show and Fair; an article noting that a Reform Bill to allow renters to vote is under continued discussion in the British House of Commons; an article breaking down the number of churches in the Unites States and their denominations; an article on Mormonism; a proposal to build the Upper Canada Academy, a religious instructional institution;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1831-05-25
    A small breach in the Welland Canal is reported near the Deep Cut; press and types from Gore Mercury seized by authorities as smuggled goods; short story “The Pet Lamb"; an article on the importance of temperance, including a list of temperance societies and the number of members in various states;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1831
    A note on the top of the page indicates the estimated date of the paper as January 3, 1831 A continuation of a debate in Upper Canada Parliament; an article from Liverpool advocating for electoral reform; an article from the Grantham Academy noting they are ready to accept students, list of courses and cost of tuition; Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Welland Canal Company for 1830, includes financial details; ad advertisement for the Niagara District Cattle Show and Fair, including list of prizes;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1830-05-10
    An article notes that the widening of the feeder to the Welland Canal is progressing well; address of Oliver Phelps, Esq. at the quarterly meeting of the Thorold Temperance Society; an article on hydrophobia; an advertisement for a new mail line that describes the route of the mail wagon and how long it takes to travel the route;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1829-09-02
    A coroner’s inquest held by the Coroner of Niagara for the death of an unidentified man believed to be John Young; a short story “The Lock of Hair”; a poem “To a Cousin”;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1829
    Hand written on the top of the first page is a date of January 28, 1829 (estimated). The left-hand column of the paper has been cut out, and the paper is overall in poor condition. A fire broke out at the wagon shop of Messrs. M’Bride and McNeilly resulting in the destruction of the painter’s and barber’s shop nearby; a note that a new newspaper named the Irish Vindicator has been established in Montreal; a short story “New Year’s Day”;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1828-09-17
    An article marked “highly important” notes that Mr. Merrit has secured a loan for fifty thousand pounds toward the completion of the Welland Canal; a gang of counterfeiters detected near Chippawa; short story “Deucalion of Kentucky”; an article on how to winter sheep; an article on the Coral insect
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1828-09-03
    An article regarding the wreck of an Irish brig called Despatch, resulting in the death of 36 emigrants near Cape Bay; hail the size of goose eggs falls in Montreal; an article advising against taking on debt; an agricultural article on liming seed wheat;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1828-03-26
    First page quite faded, text difficult to read. Updates from the Colonial Legislature; a excerpt from a convention of Freemasons who met to divulge the secrets of their Order; another article from the Freemasons Convention divulging secrets of their organization which takes up the entire second page of the newspaper;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1828-01-23
    One side of the paper damaged, cutting off parts of the first column of the paper at points. Text faded and difficult to read in some areas. Parliament opens for the year; notice that the Mansion House Hotel in Niagara, owned by Mr. John Brown burned down; short story “The Twins”; an article about the various types of newspaper reading; lists of names of those with letters remaining at the post office;
  • The Farmers' Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer

    Hiram Leavenworth, 1827-04-11
    A Canal Auction Notice notes that stock of the Welland Canal Company held by defaulters will be put up for auction in February 1827; an article from the Washington National Intelligencer on Naturalization in the United States that includes “instructions to aliens arriving in the United States who may be desirous of becoming citizens thereof”; a copy of the abdication of Simon Bolivar from February 6, 1827; an article updating on the Greek War of Independence, an article on the use of Post Coaches to distribute mail in Niagara; a list of letters remaining at the St. Catharines Post Office, includes list of names;

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