Niagara Rainbow Periodical SPCL PER FC 3140.1 N5 N5 /V.4,1897-V.13,1906/
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The Niagara Rainbow was a Catholic publication produced by Catholic women for the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary in North America. The students and staff worked together to produce the periodical which explored the activities of the Loretto Academy in Niagara Falls, Ontario. This publication served as a link to the other schools in the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
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Recent Submissions
Niagara Rainbow, Vol 13 No 3, July 1906The Niagara Rainbow for July 1906. Included in this edition: Visit of his Royal Highness Prince Arthur Frederick Patrick Albert of Connaught April 22nd, Alfonso XIII. of Spain, To her Most Catholic Majesty Queen Victoria Eugenia, God's help, A Chapter from Spanish Literature Referring to the Latter End of the Sixteenth and the First half of the Seventeenth Century, Colegio de Loreto Castilleja de la Cuesta Sevilla Spain, Niagara's Voice, Island Reveries, Is Conversation a Lost Art?, Glimpses of Whittier-Land, Niagara Rainbow, Maria Edgeworth and her Biographer hon. Emily Lawless, The Royal Wedding in Spain 1906, Musical Recital by Miss Elizabeth Topping Pianist and Analytical Remarks by Miss Amy Graham Mus. Bac. Buffalo, From the Life of School into the School of Life, Moods, May Memories, Royal Bride's Departure-Touching Farewell Scenes-"God-Speed" from the king, Vale, The Classics, The Vocation of Aurora Leigh, Expression, Musical Evenings, Morning, A Private Peep at Our Beloved Queen Alexandra, Closing Exercises, Successful Competitors at the Closing Exercises, Letter-Box, School Chronicle, Personals, Advertisements.
Niagara Rainbow, Vol 7 No 3, July 1900The Niagara Rainbow for July 1900. Included in this edition: The Visit of Most Reverend Dimomedes Falconio, D.D., Apostolic Delegate, The Bluebird, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Story of the Apparitions, "Smiles and Tears", After the Rain, Coronation Day at the Vatican, Special Correspondence, The Queen' Visit to Loretto Abbey, Rathfarnham, Dublin, April 20th., Our May Festival, A Song of the Bright Water, The Ruins of Pompeii, Ely Place Its Ancient Sanctuary St. Etheldreda. The hero of Plevna, Niagara Rainbow, Madame de Sevigne and her Letters, Carlyle's home at Craiggenputtoch, Old-Time Manners, His Own Crown, The Prince of Painters, A Secret, The Art Beautiful, Vale!, Munkacsy, Successful Competitors, Wise and Otherwise, Advertisements.
Niagara Rainbow, Vol 6 No 3, July 1899The Niagara Rainbow for July 1899. Included in this edition: Dear Niagara, Buddhism, A Voyage to the Cape, A Week in Monterey, Mexico, St. Jarlath's -- "John of Tuam", Lilac, Wives of the Poets, Pentecost Sunday at Loretto, A Message, Filial Devotedness -- a Characteristic of the Great, Niagara Rainbow, The Real Presence, The Little Ones Entertain, "Stabat Mater Dolorosa Juxta Crucem lacrymosa Dum pendebat Filius", Carisbrooke Castle and its Memories, Our Annual Concert, Programme, Are There Any Progressive Women?, A Glimpse of Dresden, Reception to Our Beloved Archbishop, School Chronicle, Successful Competitors at the Art Exhibit, List of honors Obtained at the Provincial Art School, Spray, Our Visitors, Advertisements.
Niagara Rainbow, Vol 6 No 1, January 1899The Niagara Rainbow for January 1899. Included in this edition: Three Beautiful Women, The Sea, My Trip Abroad, Dante, The Women of Tennyson's Poems, The Unknown Hero, Our Own, Silence Darkness Rest, An Evening with Adelaide Procter, Lesson of the Christmas Rose, The Madonna, A Sketch from Real Life, At Ninety-Five, The Patriotic Fete at Wolburst, The White Rose of Scotland, Sir Thomas More, Chopin, School Chronicle, Dancing, The Late Queen Louise of Denmark, Our Gala Day, A Favorite Haunt, Ave!, Capri Island of Goats, Advertisements.
Niagara Rainbow, Vol 5 No 4, October 1898The Niagara Rainbow for October 1898. Included in this edition: A Run into Bavaria, The Late Archbishop Walsh, A Message, The Gun Shops of the Washington Navy Yards, Notes of Irish Travel and Scenery, To A Friend, The Ensigns of France and the Sainte Ampoule, Blind Authors, Leaves and Lives, The Average hostess, from an Average Guest's Point of View, Virtue, Farewell!, The Lunar Bow, Sympathy in Requirements, Faces, The Genius of Language, Special Correspondence, Unwritten Historic Reminiscences of Niagara, School Chronicle, "The Melancholy Days are Come, The Saddest of the Year", The Falls and the Fallen, A Monument to Do Bosco, Wilhelmina and her Kingdom, A Cutting Sensation, An Old Italian City, Advertisements.
Niagara Rainbow, Vol 5 No 3, June 1898The Niagara Rainbow for June 1898. Included in this edition: At Saint Maura's Well, "The Imitation of Christ", A Run into Bavaria, Lilac Time, Thoughts for our Girls, The Society of Jesus, Hommage A Marie, Special Correspondence, Recital by the Department of Elocution, Song of Venus to the Garden Rose, Misunderstandings, Erinn Go Bragh, Roses, A Musical and Literary Entertainment, Mater Dolorosa!, Beranger, The Poet Milton, Chateau Maimaison, The Epistolary Art, Successful Competitors, The Studio, At Parting, The Poetry of Sorrow, Advertisements.
Niagara Rainbow, Vol 4 No 4, October 1897The Niagara Rainbow for October 1897. Included in this edition: The Visit of his Excellency, Mgr. Merry Del Val, Brahms, Rilma, Jean Ingelow, Morning on the Hills, H.M.D.G., A Crusader's Soliloquy, Special Correspondence, Nameless, The Genius of Language, The Deep Sea Globe, Originality, To Alanna, Niagara at Midnight, In and Out of Chicago, Miramare, Within the Shadow of the Eternal hills, Spray, Our Visitors, Advertisements.
Niagara Rainbow, Vol 4 No 3, June 1897The Niagara Rainbow for June 1897. Included in this edition: Conversation, The Loom of Life, The Vulgarity of Super-Refinement, Lines, The Undersong of home, Thoughts of Our Girls, Responses to the Roll Call at an Open Meeting of the S.C.L., To Winifred Nightingale, Chapter IX (Care of Temporalities. Silver Jubilee in Religious Life.), Chapter X (Zeal for the Community's Spiritual Welfare. Approbation of the Institute of Mary by the Holy See. 1877.), Early Developed Power to Command, Wordsworth and Nature, Easter-Tide Musical and Literacy Entertainment, To the Queen of Heaven, Maximilian and Carlotta, "Were ye Bidden to The Feast?", Program. Musical and Literary Entertainment, "The Blind hero of Gettysburg", Claremont House, Eccentricities of Authors, "The Spirit of Joy More Precious Than Gold", "Dode's Kodak", Chats with the Old Girls, Nature's Teaching, Spray, Our Visitors, Advertisements.