William Henry Nelles Hull Family Fonds, 1794-2013, n.d. RG 667
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The textual materials of the William Henry Nelles Hull Family fonds includes correspondence, legal documents, photographs, clippings and various other materials that document the lives of the Drope, Hull and Nelles Families, as well as the history of Lake Lodge School, Grimsby and William John Drope’s career as a Grand Master of the Grand Lodge A.F. and A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
Click here to view the William Henry Nelles Hull Family Fonds finding aidCurrent copyright applies. In some instances, researchers must obtain the written permission of the holder(s) of copyright and the Brock University Archives before publishing quotations from materials in the collection. Most papers may be copied in accordance with the Library’s usual procedures unless otherwise specified.
Recent Submissions
Pictorial map of Canada's Economic BoomA map indicating "some of the highlights of Canada's economic boom. It's a giant-size boom, which is turning the United Stats' once poor neighbor to the north into a very prosperous nation".
Photograph - Hiram Walker Incorporated District Managers Meeting, 19391939-07A photograph of the group of District Managers for Hiram Walker Incorporated at Mackinac Island, July 9-14, 1939. The names are included: "Front Row: Graham, Bonnafoux, Leitch, Holtorf, Favish, Hatch. 2nd row: Casteel, Coughlin, Doty, Sturman, S. Goldberg, Grylls, M. Goldberg, Staudinger, Hadlock, Hull, Clapp, Knox. 3rd row: Finneran, Neubauer, Cashin, Healy, Gibbons, Laberge, Ellis, Kendrick, Terry, Swedlund, Nier. 4th row. Boehme, Badrian, Hutchison, Brown, Peckham, Weiner, Barker, Potter. 5th row: Hart, Bradley, Ziegler, Finlayson."
Souvenir Copy of the Coronation Service1911-06-22A souvenir copy of the coronation service "for the occasion of The Coronation of King George V, June 22nd, 1911". The bottom of the cover reads "selected by the Chapter of the Rural Deanery of Lincoln and Welland, and approved by the Very Reverend the Dean of Niagara."
Marriage Register copy and Announcement - William John Drope and Julia Lillian Nelles1893-08-12An article describing the "nuptials of Mr. W.J. Drope, Peterborough, and Miss Julia Lillian Nelles of Grimsby - The List of Presents". The service took place at St. Andrew's Episcopoal church in Grimsby. There is also a copy of the marriage register, dated 1 January 1895. It is certified "that the above is a true copy of an entry in the marriage register kept in St. Andrew's church Grimsby, Ontario".
Photograph - Drope Familyn.d.A photograph of a family picnic.
Photograph - Drope Childrenn.d.A photograph of the Drope children. This photograph is part of an album.
Photograph - Nelles Family Reunion, 1924A photograph of the Nelles family reunion in 1924. There are dozens of family members in the photograph taken in Paris, Ontario, 28 June 1924. The photographer is also listed on the bottom corner as A.A. Rea, 632 1/2 Barton St. E., Hamilton, Ontario.
Photograph - Staff and Students of Lake Lodge School, 1923A photograph of staff and students of Lake Lodge School. Both W.J. Drope and Ed Hull are in the back row center.
Photograph - Students and Mr W.J. Drope, 18981898A group of children with W.J. Drope. They are presumably in front of Lake Lodge School. The year is written 1898.
Photograph - Football Team, 19191919A photograph a football team (Lake Lodge School?). There is a list of names on the bottom of the photograph, including: T.A.C. Jones, W. Townsend, B. Peene, R. Watkins, J. Phin, N. Andrewes, W. Brown, H. Dawe, Archibald Black Baker, G. Eastman, W. Williams, F. Scarlett, K. Joyner, J. Atkins, E. Stock, J. Morris and L. Venning.
Peterborough Collegiate Institute 1894-18951894-95A class of individuals from Peterborough Collegiate Institute. It reads "Senior Leaving and Honor Matriculation Class 1894-95. Some of the names are listed as follows: John Jefferies, B.A., H.R.H. Kenner, B.A., W.J. Drope, B.A., M.OBrien, Miss S.E. Marty, Jas. A. Fife, B.A.
Photograph - William John DropeA photograph of William John Drope by A.M. Cunningham, Hamilton, Ontario.
Photograph - Cricket Team Lake Lodge School, 19221922A photograph of the cricket team at Lake Lodge school in 1922. The individuals in the photograph are named: "Back row - G. McKune, M. Lounsbury, T. Taylor, K. Joyner, C. Joyner, Front row - T. A. C. Jones, Esq, J. Morris (Captain), G. Foster, J. Barregar, G. Clapperton, M. Frankland, J. Atkins, C. Andrewes".
Photograph - Cricket Team Lake Lodge School, 19161916A photograph of the cricket team in front of Lake Lodge School. There are eleven boys and three adults in the photograph. One of the adults appears to be W.J. Drope.
Photograph - Cricket Team, 19071907A photograph of a cricket team of eleven boys, one girl and an adult. The girl is holding a scoring book and it appears to be Gladys Drope.
Photograph - Cricket Teamn.d.A photograph of eleven boys all dressed in white, and most are wearing ties. A few of the boys are holding cricket balls.
Honorary Life Membership Certificate Acacia Lodge, London, Ontario - William J. Drope1924A cardboard document from the Acacia Lodge, London, Ontario proclaiming William J. Drope, M.A. as an Honorary Life Member. This is signed by W. J. Drope, 1924.
Document of release of land from Abraham Nelles to Henry William Nelles of parcels of land in the Township of Caistor, in the County of Lincoln, in the District of Niagara1834-06-26Document of release of land from Abraham Nelles to Henry William Nelles of parcels of land in the Township of Caistor, in the County of Lincoln, in the District of Niagara. June 26, 1834.
Indenture written on paper between Abraham Nelles of Grimsby, Ontario and Elijah Nelles of Blandford and London District and Henry William Nelles of Grimsby1835-11-04Indenture written on paper between Abraham Nelles of Grimsby, Ontario and Elijah Nelles of Blandford and London District and Henry William Nelles of Grimsby. Elijah and Henry are granted 100 acres in Zorra County of the Oxford District of London. [There are slight holes along the creases and the lower right hand section is missing. This affects text as the signature from the lower right-hand side is missing], Nov. 4, 1835.
Province of Upper Canada Land Grant on parchment to Abraham Nelles of the Township of Grimsby, in the County of Lincoln, in the District of Niagara1823Province of Upper Canada Land Grant on parchment to Abraham Nelles of the Township of Grimsby, in the County of Lincoln, in the District of Niagara. He was granted 1,114 acres located in the Township of Emily in the Gore, in the County of Northumberland, in the District of Newcastle, Upper Canada. [What was once the Gore of Emily is now known as Ennismore Township. Lots were granted to Abraham Nelles in lieu of payment for his work in surveying the county]. The attached seal is in good condition, 1823