Letter from Lachlan McCallum to Sir John A. Macdonald, 6 February 1891
A letter written by Lachlan McCallum to Sir John A. Macdonald reads: "Yours of the 3rd inst. at hand. Contents noted. In reply would say that it is not necessary to entreat me to support you in the Election after the many kindnesses received at your hands and I will do so with pleasure as far as I can and be (consistent).You know what I think on Welland Canal Management and I will stand to my opinions and convictions expressed on that question, and permit me to say that the action of your Government in keeping Messers Ellis, Demare, Vanderburg? and Co., on the Welland Canal after all that was proven against them by the evidence at the investigation will have an unfavourable effect on the elections in Lincoln, Welland, Monck and I may say in other counties no matter what is written you or said to the contrary I consider it my duty to let you know the facts as far as it has come to my knowledge.
If your government is to remove Messes Ellis, Demare and Co. from the Canal and I do not see how your government can keep them, would it not be best to do so at once before the Elections get hot. You will pardon me in saying that it does not look well to have a Superintendent on the Canal and another.....to watch to keep him Governor...'his usefulness is gone'. If Mr. Ellis has been of any service to the country, part or Government I have never seen it but on the contrary playing in to the hands of the Grits and always ready to abuse and...over your true and best friends. Trusting this will find you in excellent health."