Letter from Sir John A. Macdonald to Senator McCallum, 2 June 1888
A letter written by Sir John A. Macdonald to Senator McCallum 2 June 1888 reads: "Thanks for yours of the 31st. I think you rather mistake the position. The time has come when the Western portion of the Dominion must be represented in the Cabinet. At the present there is no man in it West of London Ontario - and Manitoba. The North West and B. Columbia give us 14 supporters to one against us. They won't stand a continuance of this treatment.Now Dewdney is so popular in the North West that most if not all of the N.W. Counsel have petitioned for his continuance in Office as Lt. Governor and...Bishop(?) and Father Lacombe have asked that he should remain as Lt. Gov. & Indian Coms.
I know no man but Dewdney fit to manage the Indian Dept. he is the only man that can manage Crowfoot & the Blackfoot Blood & Piegan Indians. He has the great advantage of knowing all about the B.C. Bands.
He is the right man in the right place and I don't want another Indian War on my hands. Besides although...White was...at the Head of the Indian Dept. for the last year. I had to attend to all the important Indian matters as he did not understand them - and I want to be relieved of that work.
Neither of the gentlemen you mention know anything about Indian affairs altho they could manage the Land business well enough.
As to J.C. Patterson? he is a good fellow but has no standing or influence among the members. On the contrary his attacks on the action of the Govt. & the policy of the Conservative party in the Baird? Case & other matters has made him so unpopular that our friends wanted me to send him out of the party which of course I resisted but our friends would not stand his being rewarded by being placed over the heads of others who gave unpopular votes, while he deserted us to preserve his own popularity.
I need not say that this letter is for you own eye only & had better be burnt after you read it.
P.S. An Ontario man will get the office of Postmaster General next month."