Letter from Sir John A. Macdonald to Senator McCallum, 23 March 1887
A letter written by Sir John A. Macdonald to Senator McCallum 23 March 1887 reads: "I have to thank you most warmly for your earnest and successful exertions which carried both Monck and Haldimand. I do not think I should have been satisfied with any victory if I saw the constituency which you represented so long and so ably, represented by a grit. Thanks to you that misfortune has been escaped.I am sorry that I shall not be able to attend the demonstration. You must remember that I have been away since July last with only an occasional visit to headquarters and I have any amount of arrears to work up.
Please give my congratulations and regards to Dr. Montague, whom I hope to see down here in good health and strength. We had settled upon Mr Porter as the mover of the address before Montague's name was suggested. Porter will have particular pleasure in moving it, and we shall have particular pleasure in hearing him as the man who defeated Ananias Cameron."