Prof. G. Lorraine Linder phrenology advertisement, 1875 RG 263
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In 1875, Prof. G. Lorraine Linder, a phrenologist and physiologist, was advertising his service of phrenological examinations to be offered at the Adkins Hotel in Smithville, Ont. According to the advertisement, Prof. Linder was a medical doctor, a lawyer and a practical phrenologist and physiologist. G. Lorraine Linder, may be George Lorraine Linder, born in Ohio in 1843 and married to Flora A. Nash in 1868 in Decatur, Michigan. The advertisement appears to have been created to allow Prof. Linder to add the time, location and admission fees to be added as venues became available.
Edward Adkins, proprietor of the Adkins Hotel and a native of England, settled in Smithville in 1868. The Adkins Hotel was one of three hotels operating in Smithville at this time.
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Advertisement - Prof. G. Lorraine Linder, Phrenological Examinations1875-12-02The advertisement begins with "Know Thyself!" and contains reviews from newspapers like the Chicago Times and Ottawa Free Press. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat is quoted "Prof Linder is undeniably the peer of the greatest living Phrenologist. Unlike a great many who style themselves Phrenologists, he is a thorough Anatomist and Physiologist, and wherever he touches the subject he shows the hand of a master. The value of a Phrenological examination at his hands cannot be overestimated."