Brock View Books: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
Brock University View Book, 2016-2017This view book includes the following: Experience Brock, Explore Niagara, Living at Brock, Badger pride, Invest in your future, We're here to help, Pursue your passion, Be competitive with co-op, Design your degree, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, Faculty of Education, Goodman School of Business, Faculty of Humanities, Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Applying to Brock, Programs and admissions, Contact information, Important dates.
Brock University View Book, 2012-2013This view book includes the following: Your Brock experience, Applied Health Sciences, Business, Education, Humanities, Mathematics and Science, Social Sciences, Graduate Studies, The Brock co-op advantage, Creative learning opportunities, Live, eat and learn at Brock, Your life after class, The Badger tradition, Plan your transition, Ensure your success, Financing your education, Become a Brock student, Contact information, Important dates.
Brock University View Book, 2014-2015This view book includes the following: Life at Brock; Discover Brock; Residence, off-campus living and meal plans; Badger pride; Awards and fiances; Brock spirit; Ensure your success; The co-op advantage; Creative learning opportunities; Academics; Faculty of Applied Health Sciences; Child Health; Community Health; Kinesiology; Medical Sciences; Nursing; Physical Education; Public Health; Recreation and leisure Studies; Sport Management; Faculty of Education; Primary/Junior Concurrent Education; Junior/Intermediate Concurrent Education; Intermediate/Senior Concurrent Education; Teacher Education-Consecutive; Early Childhood Education; Aboriginal Adult Education and Native Teacher Education, Adult Education; The Goodman School of Business; Accounting; Business Administration; International Dual Degree program; Canadian Studies; Classics; Dramatic Arts; English Language and Literature; French Studies; Game Design; General Humanities; German; History; Hispanic and Latin American Studies; Interactive Arts and Science; Intercultural Studies; Italian Studies; Medieval and Renaissance Studies; Music; Philosophy; Studies in Arts and Culture; Studies in Comparative Literatures and Cultures; Visual Arts; Faculty of Mathematics and Science; Applied Computing; Biochemistry; Biological Sciences; Biomedical Sciences; Biophysics; Biotechnology; Chemistry; Computer Science; Computing and Business; Computer Science and Mathematics; Computing and Network Communications; Computing and Solid-State Device Technology; Earth Sciences; Environmental Geoscience; Game Programming; Mathematics and Statistics; Neuroscience; Oenology and Viticulture; Physics; Sciences; Faculty of Social Sciences; Applied Linguistics; Business Communication; Business Economics; Child and Youth Studies; District and Diverse Communities; Economics; Film Studies; Geography; International Political Economy; Labour Studies; Media and Communication Studies; Political Science; Popular Culture; Psychology; Social Sciences; Sociology; Tourism and Environment; Women's and Gender Studies; Admissions; Become a Brock student; Program admissions information; Contact information; Important dates.
Brock University View Book, circa 1982This view book includes the following: Tall tales and traditions, Becoming a Brock student, Mature students, Academic counselling, Degrees, diplomas and certificates, Grade 12 summer program, Administrative studies, Asian studies, Biological studies, Canadian studies, Chemistry, Child studies, Classics, Computer science and information processing, Drama and film studies, Economics, College of education, English, Extradepartmental, Geography, Geological sciences, Germanic and Slavic studies, History, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Physical education, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Recreation and leisure studies, Religious studies, Romance studies, Sociology, Urban and environmental studies, Sports and recreational activities, Student services, Your students' union, Your home on campus, Library facilities, Dollars and cents, Come and visit us.
Brock University View Book, circa 1983This view book includes the following: President's Message; Viewpoint, Janet Rossant, biologist at work; Sports report; Science report; Bill Matheson, award winning teacher; Administrative Studies; Asian Studies; Biological Sciences; Canadian Studies; Centre for English Language Programs; Chemistry; Child Studies; Classics; College for Education; Communication Studies; Computer Science and Information Processing; Economics; English; Environmental Science; Fine Arts; Geography; Geological Sciences; Germanic and Slavic Studies; History; Liberal Studies; Mathematics; Philosophy; Politics; Physical Education and Recreation; Physics; Psychology; Religious Studies; Romance Studies; Sociology; Urban and Environmental Studies; Alumni Report; Brock People; Who, what, when, where, and how; Admissions; Grade 12 Summer Program; Student Services; Placement Office; Fees; Residence; The Students' Union; Library Facilities; How do I arrange a visit?
Brock University View Book, 1968This view book is titled "The Way it is at Brock" and includes the following: The Way it is at Brock, The Philosophy of Brock, The Academic Program, The Humanities, The Social Sciences, The Sciences, A Broad Education, Seminars and Lectures, Porch Clubs, The Faculty, The Student Body, Student Government, Student Organizations, Athletics and Recreation, The Campus and Its Plans, The Student Voice in the University, Brock Is For People, Scholarships, Undergraduate Degree Courses, Tuition Fees.
Brock University View Book, 2015-2016This view book includes the following: In the heart of Niagara, Living at Brock, Badger pride, Invest in your future, Ensure your success, We're here to help, The co-op advantage, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, Faculty of Education, Goodman School of Business, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Applying to Brock, Programs and admissions, Contact information, Important dates.
Brock University View Book, 2013-2014This view book includes the following: Discover Brock, Brock spirit, Residence, off-campus living and meal plans, Creative learning opportunities, Ensure your success, Plan your transition, Badger pride, The co-op advantage, Link your degree, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences (Child Health, Community Health, Kinesiology, Medical Sciences, Nursing, Physical Education, Public Health, Recreation and Leisure Studies, Sport Management), Faculty of Education (Primary/Junior Concurrent Education, Junior/Intermediate Concurrent Education, Intermediate/Senior Concurrent Education, Consecutive Teacher Education, Early Childhood Education, Aboriginal Adult Education and Native Teacher Education, Adult Education, Continuing Professional Development), The Goodman School of Business (Accounting, Business Administration, International Dual Degree program), Faculty of Humanities (Applied Linguistics, Canadian Studies, Classics, Dramatic Arts, English Language and Literature, French Studies, General Humanities, German, History, Hispanic and Latin American Studies, Interactive Arts and Science, Intercultural Studies, Italian Studies, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Music, Philosophy, Studies in Comparative Literatures and Cultures, Visual Arts), Faculty of Mathematics and Science (Applied Computing, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Computing and Business, Computer Science and Mathematics, Computing and Network Communications, Computing and Solid-State Device Technology, Earth Sciences, Environmental Geoscience, Mathematics and Statistics, Neuroscience, Oenology and Viticulture, Physics, Sciences), Faculty of Social Sciences (Business Communication, Business Economics, Child and Youth Studies, Distinct and Diverse Communities, Economics, Film Studies, Geography, International Political Economy, Labour Studies, Media and Communication Studies, Political Science, Popular Culture, Psychology, Social Sciences, Sociology, Tourism and Environment, Women's and Gender Studies), Awards and Finances, Become a Brock student, Program admissions information, Contact information, Important dates.
Brock University View Book, 2011-2012This view book includes the following: Your Brock experience, Applied Health Sciences, Business, Education, Humanities, Mathematics and Science, Social Sciences, Graduate Studies, The co-op advantage, Learn outside the classroom, Live, eat and learn at Brock, Your life after class..., The Badger tradition, Ensure your success, Financing your education, Become a Brock student.
Brock University View Book, 2009-2010This view book includes the following: Why Brock?, Applied Health Sciences, Business, Education, Humanities, Mathematics & Science, Social Sciences, The Co-op Advantage, Learn Outside the Classroom, Live, Eat & Learn at Brock, Your Life After Class..., The Badger Tradition, Ensure Your Success, Financing Your Education, Become a Brock Student.
Brock University View Book, 2008-2009This view book includes the following: Experience the Best: Brock Co-op: Be a part of one of the most successful co-op programs in Canada!; Brock Programs: With more than 75 undergraduate options in six Faculties to choose from, you are sure to find the program that is right for you; Brock-College Programs: Brock has created several new programs to create exciting opportunities for our students; Graduate Studies: Join one of the most rapidly growing Faculties at Brock; Living on Campus: Live in outstanding modern facilities, meet new friends, and become and vital part of the Brock community; Getting Involved Beyond the Classroom: Get involved and make a difference in your school and community; The Badger Tradition: 41 years of athletic excellence - Go Badgers!; At Your Service: You come first! Brock faculty and staff make outstanding service something you can expect every day; Money Matters: We'll work with you to help you meet your financial needs; Become a Brock Student: Apply to begin your own Brock experience: Ontario Secondary School Admissions: We'll show you what you need to get in!
Brock University View Book, 2007-2008This view book includes the following: Experience the Best: Brock Co-op - Be a part of one of the most successful co-op programs in Canada!; Brock Programs: With more than 72 undergraduate options in six faculties to choose from, you are sure to find the program that is right for you; Living on Campus: live in outstanding modern facilities, meet new friends, and become a vital part of the Brock community; Getting Involved: Get involved and make a difference in your school and community; The Badger Tradition: Forty years of athletic excellence - Go Badgers!; At Your Service: You come first at Brock! Our faculty and staff make outstanding service something you can expect every day; Money Matters: We'll work with you to help you meet your financial needs; Become a Brock Student: Learn how to apply and begin your Brock experience; Ontario Secondary School Admissions: We'll show you what you need to get in!
Brock University View Book, 2006-2007This view book includes the following: Welcome to Brock University: An outstanding university committed to your success; The Added Value of a Brock Degree: Brock University is a dynamic and progressive institution. Find out how our focus can benefit you.; Programs Designed Just For You: From grape growing and winemaking to creating a microchip, our choice of programs will introduce you to new windows of opportunity; Residence Life: A variety of styles to choose from; Getting Involved Beyond the Classroom: Make a difference at Brock and become involved; A Winning Tradition: Participation to high performance - we have it all at Brock!; At Your Service: MedPlus and Experience Plus are just a few examples of Brock's outstanding student services; Money Matters: It's no secret that university is a major investment. There are ways that we can assist you in financing your education; Become a Brock Student: You will want to apply!; Admission Criteria Chart: Find out what it takes to come to Brock.
Brock University View Book Snapshot 2005-2006The snapshot for 2005-2006 includes: Experience All that Brock Has to Offer, Our Investment in You, Residence Life, Undergraduate Programs and Admissions Criteria, Graduate Studies at Brock.
Brock University View Book, 2005-2006This view book includes the following: Welcome to Brock University: An outstanding university committed to your success; The Added Value of a Brock Degree: Brock University is a dynamic and progressive institution. Find out how your focus can benefit you; Programs Designed Just For You: From grape growing and winemaking to creating a microchip, our choice of programs will introduce you to new windows of opportunity; Residence Life: A variety of styles to choose from; Getting Involved Beyond the Classroom: Make a difference at Brock and become involved; A Winning Tradition: Participation to high performance - we have it all at Brock!; At Your Service: MedPlus and ExperiencePlus are just a few examples of Brock's outstanding student services; Money Matters: It's no secret that university is a major investment. There are ways that we can assist you in financing your education; Become a Brock Student: You will want to apply!; Admission Criteria Chart: Find out what it takes to come to Brock.
Brock University View Book, 2004-2005This view book includes the following: Welcome to Brock University: An outstanding university committed to your success; The Added Value of a Brock Degree: Brock University is a dynamic and progressive institution. Find out how our focus can benefit you; Programs Designed Just For You: From grape growing and winemaking to creating a microchip, our choice of programs will introduce you to new windows of opportunity; Residence Life: A variety of styles of choose from; Getting Involved Beyond the Classroom: Make a difference at Brock and become involved; A Winning Tradition: Participation to high performance - we have it all at Brock!; At Your Service: MedPlus and ExperiencePlus are just a few examples of Brock's outstanding student services; Money Matters: It's no secret that university is a major investment. There are ways that we can assist you in financing your education; Become a Brock Student: You will want to apply!; Admission Criteria Chart: Find out what it takes to come to Brock.
Brock University View Book, 2003-2004This view book includes the following: The Advantage of a Brock Degree: Brock University is a dynamic and progressive institution. Find out how our focus can benefit you; Celebrating our Own: Meet some of the best and the brightest students in the country; Programs Designed Just for You: From grape growing and winemaking to creating a microchip, our choice of programs will introduce you to new windows of opportunity; At Your Service: MedPlus and ExperiencePlus are just a few examples of Brock's outstanding student services; Getting Involved Beyond The Classroom: Make a difference at Brock and become involved!; The Residence Advantage: A variety of styles to choose from!; Be Part of a Winning Team: Participation to high performance - we have it all at Brock!; Money Matters: It's no secret that university is a major investment. There are ways that we can assist you in financing your education; Become a Brock Student: You will want to apply!; Admission Criteria Chart: Find out what it takes to come to Brock; Campus Tours and Contacts: See why more students than ever are making Brock their first choice.
Brock University View Book, 2002-2003This view book includes the following: The Advantage of a Brock Degree: Brock University is a dynamic and progressive institution. Find out how our focus can benefit you; Celebrating Our Own: Meet some of the best and the brightest students in the country; Programs Designed Just for You: From grape growing and winemaking to creating a microchip, our choice of programs will introduce you to new windows of opportunity; At Your Service: MedPlus and ExperiencePlus are just a few examples of Brock's outstanding student services; The Residence Advantage: Air-conditioned, affordable and fully wired!; Money Matters: It's no secret that university is a major investment. There are ways that we can assist you in financing your education; Be Part of a Winning Team: Participation to high performance - we have it all at Brock!; Become a Brock Student: You will want to apply!; Admission Criteria Chart: Find out what it takes to come to Brock; Campus Tours and Contacts: See why more students than ever are making Brock their first choice.
Brock University View Book, 2001-2002This view book includes the following: Your Career Begins Here! Brock University is a dynamic and progressive institution. Find out how our focus can benefit your career; Co-op: Earn While You Learn: Co-op is one of the many ways in which Brock gives you an edge and prepares you for your career; Celebrating Our Own: Brock's students are some of the best and the brightest in the country; Programs Designed Just for You: From grape growing and winemaking to creating a microchip, our choice of programs will introduce you to new windows of opportunity; At Your Service: Med Experience Plus and ExperiencePlus! are just a few examples of Brock's outstanding student services; The Residence Advantage: Air-conditioned, affordable and fully wired!; Be Part of a Winning Team: Participation to high performance - we have it all at Brock!; Money Matters: It's no secret that university is a major investment. There are ways that we can assist you in financing your education; Become a Brock Student: Here's how to apply; Campus Tours and Contacts: See why even more students are making Brock their first choice; Admission Criteria Chart: Find out what it takes to come to Brock.
Brock University View Book, 2000-2001This view book includes the following: Your Career Begins Here!: Brock University is a dynamic and progressive institution. Find out how our focus can benefit your career; Co-op: Earn While You learn, Co-op is one of the many ways in which Brock gives you an edge and prepares you for your career; Celebrating Our Own: Brock's students are some of the best and brightest in the country; Programs Designed Just for You: From grape growing and winemaking to creating a microchip, our choice of programs will introduce you to new windows of opportunity; At Your Service: MedExperience Plus, ExperiencePlus! and SmartForce free computer training, are just a few examples of Brock's outstanding student services; The Residence Advantage: Air-conditioned, affordable and fully wired!; Money Matters: It's no secret that university is a major investment. There are ways that we can assist you in financing your education; Be Part of a Winning Team: Participation to high performance - we have it all at Brock!; Become a Brock Student: Here's how to apply; Campus Tours and Contacts: Back cover See why even more students are making Brock their first choice; Admission Criteria Chart: Inside Back cover Find out what it takes to come to Brock.