Photo album, St. Catharines, Ontario, 1938 RG 116
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A photo album containing 40 black and white photographs of St. Catharines and Niagara in 1938. Photographs are mounted on black pages and most are labelled with white ink. Cover page is inscribed "A Merry Christmas. R. Bruce Lightbown". Photographs cover a variety of St. Catharines and Niagara landmarks.
Recent Submissions
Photo Album St. Catharines, 1938An album of photographs that includes St. Catharines Collegiate, McKinnon Industries Ltd., the English Electric Co. of Canada Ltd., the Electric Rly. Co., the Court House, the Public Library, the Town Hall, Montebello Park, Martindale Pond, the Cenotaph, Radio Station CKTB, Yale and Towne, the Welland Canal, the Ontario Paper Company, General Hospital, Press Room of The Standard, Yates Street, Italian Gardens and Rock gardens at Niagara Falls, Niagara Falls and St. Paul Street (front and back). P [2] of Cover includes stationer's stamp: "Bixby-Beattie Co., St. Catharines, Ont., Books and Stationery, Office Supplies".