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dc.contributor.authorAdams, Anne
dc.descriptionProfessor David W. Rupp of the Department of Classics conducted an archaeological excavation of a small nineteenth century pottery workshop on the escarpment near Jordan, Ontario. The dig was held under the auspices of the Jordan Historical Museum of the Twenty, the Niagara Peninsula Society of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Brock University Museum of Cypriote Antiquities. The site was said to have been home to the workshop, but early land documents for the area have been lost over the years. The purpose of the project was to train interested volunteers in archaeological field techniques. Mr. Jon Jouppien, Mrs. Rita Michael and Glen Smith also worked with the team thanks to an Ontario Heritage Foundation grant. A partially intact and extremely well-preserved kiln was discovered, as well as pottery, glass bottles and nails. Some of the pottery at the site had the name B. Lent U.C. on it. The U.C. stands for Upper Canada. The closest estimate of the operation of the kiln falls between 1820 and 1840. The material which was found at the dig was studied by Dr. Rupp’s students from his Classical Archaeology course. The focus was on the cultural aspects of the pottery rather than the pottery itself. Some stone tools were also found near the site giving speculation that the site might have been the home to archaic Native People.en_US
dc.description.abstract2 1/2 boxes of textual records outlining the Jordan Pottery Excavation Project.en_US
dc.subjectDr. David W. Rupp -- Jordan, Ontario -- Benjamin Lent -- archaeology -- pottery -- glass -- metal -- kiln -- excavationen_US
dc.titleJordan Pottery Excavation Project Fonds, 1966-1991, n.d. (non-inclusive)en_US

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